Cañada Collaborates

This website is organized to help Cañada College students, faculty, staff and administrators collaborate effectively as they strive to implement our Educational Master Plan and achieve our College Mission.

What are our strategic initiatives for 2024-24 and beyond?

Leadership Retreat

As part of the College's annual planning cycle, student, faculty, and classified staff leaders and administrators at Cañada College gather for a Leadership Retreat just prior to the start of the academic year. These leaders review the progress made on implementing the College's Educational Master Plan (EMP) and discuss and choose priorties from the EMP (and Strategic Enrollment Management Plan) on which to focus during the coming academic year. 

Working on our strategic priorities in 2024-2025

During the 2024-25 academic year, College leaders will organize collaboration to continue working on 5 EMP initiatives that were started last year, as well as 8 new EMP initiatives.  These are laid out in the draft Annual Plan 2024-25 for EMP implementation.  Each of these work groups is open to all faculty, staff, and students.  For more information or to get involved, please contact the leads below:

Annual EMP Priority Project for 2024-25
Project Lead(s)
Progress Reports

1.2 Build on the College for Working Adults Model and

4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students

James Carranza, Jose Zelaya, Wissem Bennani (comb. with EMP 4.3) EMP Review:  4.3 Create a Hub for Evening and Weekend Students Update to PBC on February 19, 2025
1.7 Increase degree and certificate programs available in Menlo Park and East Palo Alto Alex Kramer and Jasmine Jaciw

EMP 1.7 Update to PBC on February 5, 2025

1.15 Create and scale the First Year Experience Program Ron Andrade  
2.7 Provide comprehensive on-boarding for all new employees Anniqua Rana and Michiko Kealoha  
2.10 Transform college participatory governance processes Michiko Kealoha, Gampi Shankar, Alex Claxton EMP 2.10 Update to PBC on February 5, 2025
2.14 Evaluate academic and support programs and practices Karen Engel EMP 2.14 Update to PBC on February 19, 2025  

3.2 Reach new community members in N. Fair Oaks, Belle Haven, and East Palo Alto, especially BIPOC communities

John Fraire, Wissem Bennani


3.8 Strengthen transfer support services to increase transfers

Max Hartman  

3.11 Create and expand career exploration experiences for students

Alex Kramer, Ron Andrade, Bob Haick  

3.12 Double the number of alumni connected to Cañada’s Alumni Organization by 2027

Megan Rogriguez-Antone  

4.1 Improve access to campus via public transit, rideshare

Ludmila Prisecar, Adolfo Leiva  
4.2 Build a ... Childcare Center Chialin Hsieh and Alex Kramer  
4.9 Update and implement sustainability initiatives

Ludmila Prisecar Susan Mahoney,Karen Pinkham

Update given to PBC on February 19, 2025

At the same time, work continues on our other EMP initiatives as defined by PBC here:  EMP implementation matrix and below:

2.2 Increase the use of equity-minded curriculum
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.4 Sustain and expand faculty learning communities
2.11 Develop the College Cultural Center

1.8 Ensure academic program viability
1.9 Strengthen Cañada’s participation in the California Virtual Campus
1.19 Reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks
2.1 Increase support for faculty to provide individualized attention (Umoja practices)
2.2 Increase the use of equity-minded curriculum
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.4 Sustain and expand faculty learning communities
2.5 Increase use of Open Educational Resources                 
2.9 Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system
2.10 Transform college participatory governance processes
2.12 Identify and address equity gaps in Program Review
3.9 Implement AB 1111 and 928

1.9 Strengthen Cañada’s participation in the California Virtual Campus
1.12 Increase peer mentoring
1.19 Reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks
2.5 Increase use of Open Educational Resources
4.8 Increase student access to tutoring and other academic supports
4.11 Provide trainings needed to ensure new technology facilitates quality teaching and learning

3.13 Address food insecurities
3.14 Increase access to housing resources

1.11 Complete implementation of Guided Pathways essential practices
1.15 Create and scale the First Year Experience Program
1.16 Create campus culture that supports completion within 3 years
2.6 Improve faculty and staff hiring practices to ensure a diverse pool of applicants (with District HR)
3.1 Centralize and coordinate employer relationships to scale opportunities for students
3.5 Double the size of Middle College in 5 years
3.7 Fulfill the MOU with Sequoia UHSD, SF State and CSU East Bay
3.11 Create and expand career exploration experiences for students                                                                                         4.1 Improve access to campus via public transit, rideshare

4.5 Improve pedestrian and bicycle access
4.6 Modernize the Performing Arts Center

2.1 Transform college participatory governance processes
2.9 Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system

1.2 Build on the CWA model
4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students 

1.9 Strengthen Cañada’s participation in the California Virtual Campus

2.7 Provide comprehensive on-boarding for all new employees
2.8 Provide regular professional development that includes implicit bias and antiracism training every 2 years

4.5 Improve pedestrian and bicycle access
4.6 Modernize the Performing Arts Center

2.7 Provide comprehensive on-boarding for all new employees (IDEAL)
2.8 Provide regular professional development that includes implicit bias and antiracism training every 2 years
2.9 Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system

1.17 Include Financial Literacy in First Year Experience
1.18 Increase % of students who submit financial aid applications
3.13 Address food insecurities
3.14 Increase access to housing resources

2.1 Increase support for faculty to provide individualized attention (Umoja practices)
2.2 Increase the use of equity-minded curriculum
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.4 Sustain and expand faculty learning communities

1.2 Build on the CWA model
1.3 Create a student-first course schedule
1.4 Create new degrees and certificates
1.6 Create short-term, stackable certificate programs
1.7 Increase degree and certificate programs available in Menlo Park and East Palo Alto
1.9 Strengthen Cañada’s participation in the California Virtual Campus
1.19 Reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks
2.5 Increase use of Open Educational Resources
3.4 Increase dual enrollment opportunities for high school students
4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students
4.7 Increase student access to information literacy programming
4.12 Offer key courses in multiple modalities

In consultation with Academic Senate and the Office of Instruction, IPC will serve in an advisory role specific to the following initiatives:

1.3 Create a student-first course schedule 
1.16 Create campus culture that supports completion within 3 years
1.19 Reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks
1.8 Ensure academic program viability 
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.5 Increase use of Open Educational Resources
4.10 Ensure faculty, staff and students have access to technology to support multiple modalities
4.11 Provide trainings needed to ensure new technology facilitates quality teaching and learning
4.12 Offer key courses in multiple modalities

1.5 Develop new KAD programs and certifications
3.6 Triple the number of high school students on campus during the summer and on Saturdays during the academic year

3.1 Update marketing and outreach to be culturally informed
3.3 Utilize relevant social media and websites to ensure we reach a diverse, inclusive audience

4.4 Make the campus more visually welcoming

4.9 Update and implement sustainability initiatives

3.9 Implement AB 1111 and 928
4.7 Increase student access to information literacy programming
4.9 Update and implement sustainability initiatives
4.11 Provide trainings needed to ensure new technology facilitates quality teaching and learning

2.13 Evaluate student support programs and practices
2.14 Evaluate academic support programs and practices
2.15 Evaluate Guided Pathways practices & dual enrollment

3.12 Double the number of alumni connected to Cañada’s Alumni Organization by 2027 (with SMCCCD Foundation)
4.2 Build student housing and a Childcare Center (with Chancellor's Cabinet)
4.13 Advocate for more resources from the District
4.14 Invest in equity and antiracism
4.15 Fundraise $1 million (with President's Advisory Council)

1.13 Scale the Promise Scholars Program for part-time students

2.9 Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system

2.1 Transform college participatory governance processes
2.13 Evaluate student support programs and practices
2.14 Evaluate academic support programs and practices
2.15 Evaluate Guided Pathways practices & dual enrollment
4.14 Invest in equity and antiracism

2.1 Increase support for faculty to provide individualized attention (Umoja practices)
2.2 Increase the use of equity-minded curriculum
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.4 Sustain and expand faculty learning communities

2.12 Identify and address equity gaps in Program Review

1.4 Create new degrees and certificates
1.6 Create short-term, stackable certificate programs
1.7 Increase degree and certificate programs available in Menlo Park and East Palo Alto

2.1 Transform college participatory governance processes
2.9 Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system

2.11 Develop the College Cultural Center

4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students

1.1 Make registration easier
1.14 Strengthen and scale student affinity programs
2.11 Develop the College Cultural Center
2.12 Identify and address equity gaps in Program Review
3.1 Update marketing and outreach to be culturally informed
3.2 Reach new community members in N. Fair Oaks, Belle Haven, and East Palo Alto, especially BIPOC communities
3.6 Triple the number of high school students on campus during the summer and on Saturdays during the academic year
4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students

4.1 Ensure faculty, staff and students have access to technology to support multiple modalities

3.8 Strengthen transfer support services to increase transfers

3.13 Address food insecurities
3.14 Increase access to housing resources
2.11 Develop the College Cultural Center
1.3 Create a student-first course schedule
1.4 Create new degrees and certificates
1.6 Create short-term, stackable certificate programs
1.7 Increase degree and certificate programs available in Menlo Park and East Palo Alto
1.16 Create campus culture that supports completion within 3 years
2.1 Increase support for faculty to provide individualized attention (Umoja practices)
2.2 Increase the use of equity-minded curriculum
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.4 Sustain and expand faculty learning communities
2.12 Identify and address equity gaps in Program Review
3.5 Double the size of Middle College in 5 years
3.7 Fulfill the MOU with Sequoia UHSD, SF State and CSU East Bay
4.9 Update and implement sustainability initiatives
4.11 Provide trainings needed to ensure new technology facilitates quality teaching and learning
4.12 Offer key courses in multiple modalities

1.8 Ensure academic program viability
2.1 Transform college participatory governance processes

2.12 Identify and address equity gaps in Program Review
3.9 Implement AB 1111 and 928

1.9 Strengthen Cañada’s participation in the California Virtual Campus
4.1 Ensure faculty, staff and students have access to technology to support multiple modalities
4.7 Increase student access to information literacy programming
4.11 Provide trainings needed to ensure new technology facilitates quality teaching and learning
1.2 Build on the CWA model
4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students
3.1 Centralize and coordinate employer relationships to scale opportunities for students
3.11 Create and expand career exploration experiences for students
2.13 Evaluate student support programs and practices
2.14 Evaluate academic support programs and practices
2.15 Evaluate Guided Pathways practices & dual enrollment
2.7 Provide comprehensive on-boarding for all new employees
2.8 Provide regular professional development that includes implicit bias and antiracism training every 2 years
3.12 Double the number of alumni connected to Cañada’s Alumni Organization by 2027
4.2 Build student housing and a Childcare Center
4.13 Advocate for more resources from the District
4.14 Invest in equity and antiracism
4.15 Fundraise $1 million
2.6 Improve faculty and staff hiring practices to ensure a diverse pool of applicants
4.1 Improve access to campus via public transit, rideshare
4.5 Improve pedestrian and bicycle access
4.9 Update and implement sustainability initiatives

1.3 Create a student-first course schedule 
1.16 Create campus culture that supports completion within 3 years
1.19 Reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks
1.8 Ensure academic program viability 
2.3 Increase resources for faculty professional development
2.5 Increase use of Open Educational Resources
4.10 Ensure faculty, staff and students have access to technology to support multiple modalities
4.11 provide trainings needed to ensure new technology facilitates quality teaching and learning 

4.12 Offer key courses in multiple modalities

1.2 Build on the CWA model
4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students
1.1 Make registration easier
1.14 Strengthen and scale student affinity programs
1.16 Create campus culture that supports completion within 3 years
2.11 Develop the College Cultural Center
3.2 Reach new community members in N. Fair Oaks, Belle Haven, and East Palo Alto, especially BIPOC communities
3.6 Triple the number of high school students on campus during the summer and on Saturdays during the academic year
4.3 Create a hub for evening and weekend students
4.4 Make the campus more visually welcoming
1.5 Develop new KAD programs and certifications
1.1 Make registration easier
2.9 Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system
3.8 Strengthen transfer support services to increase transfers
4.4 Make the campus more visually welcoming
1.13 Scale the Promise Scholars Program for part-time students
3.4 Increase dual enrollment opportunities for high school students
3.1 Update marketing and outreach to be culturally informed
3.3 Utilize relevant social media and websites to ensure we reach a diverse, inclusive audience
1.1 Make registration easier
4.1 Improve access to campus via public transit, rideshare
3.2 Reach new community members in N. Fair Oaks, Belle Haven, and East Palo Alto, especially BIPOC communities
3.1 Update marketing and outreach to be culturally informed

1.11 Complete implementation of Guided Pathways essential practices
1.12 Increase peer mentoring
1.15 Create and scale the First Year Experience Program
4.8 Increase student access to tutoring and other academic supports

2.9  Implement a campus-wide bias incident reporting system
2.10 Transform college participatory governance processes
1.19 Reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks
2.5 Increase use of Open Educational Resources

3.5 Double the size of Middle College in 5 years
3.7 Fulfill the MOU with Sequoia UHSD, SF State and CSU East Bay

1.17 Include Financial Literacy in First Year Experience
1.18 Increase % of students who submit financial aid applications

College Councils, Senates, Committees, Work Groups and Operational Groups

To work together effectively to achieve our goals, the College is organized into Councils, Senates, Committees, Work Groups and Operational Groups which are part of our participatory governance decision-making process.  These groups, and the person(s) to contact include:

Councils Senates College Committees Work Groups Operational Groups

Planning & Budgeting Council

Contact co-chairs:
Professor Gampi Shankar and Alex Claxton

Student Senate

Contact: Yuliana Leon Subias (ASCC President); Dean Max Hartman (standing in for our Student Life & Leadership Director position which is currently vacant)

Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC)

Contact:  Professor Nada Nekrep or Anniqua Rana, Interim Dean of ASLT

Strong Workforce Program

Alex Kramer, Dean of BDW

Jasmine Jaciw, Director of Workforce Development

College Cabinet

Contact:  Linda Bertellotti

Equity & Antiracism Planning Council

Contact tri-chairs:

Michiko Kealoha, Director of Equity, Kiran Malavade, Faculty Equity Coordinator, and Krystal Martinez, EAPC Classified Tri-Chair

Academic Senate

Contact: Professor Gampi Shankar

Professional Development Planning Committee
Contact: Anniqua Rana, Interim Dean of ASLT or Ellen Young, Faculty Flex Day Coordinator


Program Review PBC Sub-Committee

Contact:  Dean Karen Engel 

College Council

Contact:  Linda Bertellotti

Instructional Planning Council

Contact co-chairs: VPI Hsieh and Diana Tedone-Goldstone, Faculty IPC Co-Chair

Academic Senate Curriculum Committee

Contact: Professor Lisa Palmer

Safety Committee

Contact: VPAS Prisecar

Transfer Advisory Group

Contact:  Dean Max Harman


Student Services Planning Council

Contact co-chairs: Interim VPSS John Fraire and Juan Vera

Classified Senate
Contact: Alex Claxton




Contact:  VPI Hsieh





Office of the President

Office of Administrative Services

Office of Instruction

Office of Student Services




Capital Improvement Planning Committee (CIP)

Contact:  Linda Bertellotti

How can I get involved?

For more information about any of the initiatives or participatory governance committees, please email the person identified with it for more information.

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