
As of May 18, 2022, the College Planning & Budgeting Council (PBC) recommended to the President that the College's participatory governance structure include a new Planning Council: the Equity and Antiracism Planning Council.  PBC adopted Bylaws for the new EAPC on December 7, 2022 which was launched in the Spring of 2023.

The mission of the Equity and Antiracism Planning Council is to disrupt and dismantle systemic racism and White supremacy for our college community in pursuit of equity, antiracism, justice and liberation.

EAPC reports to the College President annually on the progress of the College Equity and Antiracism 3-year Plan (inclusive of the Student Equity and Achievement Program Plan). The Council provides information on this evaluation to the Planning and Budget Council regularly, at least once per academic year.

The EAPC uses a framework that centers equity, antiracism, and the pursuit of liberation to:

  • Critically examine larger systems of oppression
  • Audit and interrogate our campus’ racist culture and inequities, and
  • Engage Cañada personnel and students in antiracist systems changing

In an effort to achieve the Council mission/purpose, the EAPC will:

  • Goal # 1: Collaborate with other bodies to review and revise college policies and practices.
  • Goal # 2: Facilitate training for students, faculty, staff, and administration.
  • Goal # 3: Develop and implement collegewide programming related to equity and antiracism.

The EAPC responsibilities include: strategic planning, priority-setting, participatory governance, program development and support, addressing systemic barriers, policy review, innovation and inquiry, campus climate, professional development.


EAPC Bylaws