Decision-Making Process

Revised by PBC Nov. 7, 2018 (updated by PBC April 7, 2021)

The decision-making process at Cañada College allows each of the College's primary constituent bodies to participate in making recommendations to the College President.  These bodies include:

The leadership of of these constituent groups appoint representatives to the following participatory governance groups where they collaborate with administrators in making recommendations to the College President and ensuring that the College adheres to its policies and procedures:

The following organizational chart outlines their relationship, as well as the committees that report to them, in the decision-making process:

Committee reporting structure

The Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) is the ultimate recommending body to the College President.  Recommendations made by the Instructional Planning Council (IPC) or the Student Services Planning Council (SSPC) are forwarded to the PBC for approval prior to being forwarded to the College President.

Recommendations from the PBC are subject to approval by the College President. If the President does not accept the recommendation of the PBC, the President or designee will return to the PBC immediately following their decision and explain why the recommendation will not be implemented or forwarded to the Board of Trustees at said time. The approved recommendation(s) of the PBC will be acted on or included in materials presented to the Board of Trustees, as the items are available.