Decisions regarding externally-funded and other temporary positions

PBC Approved Dec. 16, 2015, revised and approved May 17, 2017

Step 1

Grant proposal to create a new position is reviewed by Cabinet, or 

Proposal to create a new temporary position is reviewed by Cabinet
Step 2

A plan is prepared for what to do with the position once funding is terminated. 

(Note: If the position is to be institutionalized when the external funding is terminated, the position must be proposed as a New General Fund Position and go through the corresponding review and decision process.) 

Step 3

For temporary Fund 1, but not grant- funded, positions, PBC co-chairs review the proposal and provide recommendation to the College President. 

Step 4 Decision by the President
Step 5 College President Seeks Board Approval
Step 6 Planning & Budgeting Council is notified as an information item