Professional Development Plan Process

Begining Fall 2022, the Professional Development Planning Committee launched an effort to update the College Professional Development Plan.  The proposed process for this planning effort is described below.  The Office of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness will provide staff support as well as research and data support to the process.  

Planning Team Roles and Responsibilities

Professional Development Planning Committee (PDPC)

Role: Oversees the planning process and the work of the PD Planning Work Group (described below)

Membership: Professional Development Planning Committee Members 2022-23

Professional Development Planning Work Group:

To ensure the Academic and Classified Senates could help shape and inform this planning process, the following co-chairs will represent their campus constituency as Planning Leads on the PD Planning Work Group:

Classified: Jacky Ip

Faculty: Ellen Young

Administrators: Anniqua Rana


Draft the new Plan based on the Educational Master Plan and Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, using the PBC approved plan template. Solicit and incorporate feedback from college participatory governance groups. 

Planning Timeline (Spring 2024)

Following the discussions from Spring and Fall 2023, the committee will finalize the plan and share it with PBC by the April 2024. 

PDPC Planning Process 2023-2024

Planning Timeline (Spring 2023)

January 27:  PRIE shares draft templates for each PD Needs Assessment Survey with the planning team that include common elements:  Awareness, Satisfaction, Needs, Barriers to Participation, Preferred Modes of Participation.

February 14: PDPC meets to oversee the planning effort and provide feedback

February 9-23rd:  Planning Leads will meet with their respective Senates/Council to review their draft surveys and get feedback:

Academic Senate (Feb. 9): Ellen, Jessica, Lezlee

    • Leads will get initial feedback by Feb. 9th
    • Leads will address feedback and develop a second draft of the Needs Assessment and share it back with Academic Senate on Feb. 23
    • Leads will get final version of Faculty PD Needs Assessment to PRIE by March 6

Classified Senate (Feb. 9): Roz, Alex

    • Leads will get initial feedback by Feb. 9th
    • Leads will address feedback and develop a second draft of the Needs Assessment and share it back with Classified Senate on Feb. 23
    • Leads will get final version of Faculty PD Needs Assessment to PRIE by March 6

College Council (Feb. 22):  Karen, Chialin and David

    • Leads will get initial feedback from Cabinet by Feb. 15th
    • Leads will address feedback and develop a second draft of the Needs Assessment and share it with College Council on Feb. 22 with feedback due by March 1
    • Leads will get final version of Faculty PD Needs Assessment to PRIE by March 6

March 9:  PRIE will distribute all PD Needs Assessments to campus constituents via Qualtrics/Email by March 9, 2023

March 24:  Needs Assessment Surveys close and data is collected and analyzed

April 17 (week of):  PRIE completes its analysis and presentations of the results and shares back with this Planning Team

April13: Planning Leads return to their respective Senates/Councils to review the results of the Needs Assessments and discuss next steps:

Academic Senate (April 13):  Ellen, Jessica, Lezlee

Classified Senate (April 13): Roz, Alex

College Council (April 26):  Karen, Chialin, David

April 20:  Planning Leads/PDPC host a Flex Day session to present the results of all 3 Needs Assessments and engage in a campus-wide dialogue about next steps and what to include in the PD Plan

May 2: PDPC meets to review feedback from the Flex Day event and discuss implications for the larger PD Plan process

Late April – May:  In collaboration with the members of the PDPC, Planning Leads begin work on an initial draft of the College PD Plan segments to address the needs identified

Fall 2023:  Planning Leads refine the PD Plan and support the PDPC in going through the governance process to gather additional input and finalize the Plan.


In the spring of 2017, the College Professional Learning Committee established the following timeline and tasks for drafting the College Professional Learning Plan:   

February 2017

Draft PL EMP Strategic Initiatives (PL Plan Goals)

Review sample PL Plans from other institutions

Review data from 2014 PD brainstorming and 2016 PD discussions

Create a working draft of the PL Plan

Sample plan comments

Brainstorming & discussion notes

Draft goals and objectives



March 2017

Review first draft (working draft) of the PL Plan - PL Committee

Revise goals, objectives, and strategies/actions

Collect feedback from College Council, Classified Senate, Academic Senate

Focus on goals, objectives, and strategies/actions

PL Plan Working Draft

Draft goals and objectives with discussion notes

Presentation from College Council, Classified Senate & Academic Senate

Preliminary feedback from College Council, Classified Senate, & Academic Senate

 April 2017

Collect feedback on the working draft from Cabinet

Revise working draft into draft 2

Engage shared governance representatives to collect feedback on draft 2 from divisions and campus committees

Set up College-wide anonymous online feedback survey for draft 2 (completed by April 21)

Revise and finalize PL Plan

Submit PL Plan to PBC (by April 26) for initial feedback and approval

Draft 2 Goals and Objectives

Draft 2 Goals and Objectives with discussion  notes

College Feedback


 May 2017

Gather initial feedback from PBC May 3

Revise draft based on PBC feedback

Anticipated PBC approval May 17

Updated Draft

List of changes made to draft