Classified Leadership Institute
June 14 - 16, 2018
Crowne Plaza, Ventura Beach, CA
Classified Professional Development Funds have been allocated for Classified Staff members (based on funds available) to attend the 2018 Classified Leadership Institute (CLI) sponsored by the Community college League of California (CCLC) and the California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS). Classified Staff who have completed their probationary period are eligible to apply. These funds are separate from Classified Professional Development Funds. Staff who have received the maximum for Classified Professional Development Funds this year may be eligible for the Classified Leadership Institute.
Application process:
- Complete the Application to Attend 4CS Classified Leadership Institute including answering the three questions on page 2 and a Conference Preapproval/Advance form including supervisor and administrator signatures
- Please reference the CLI Application Rubric when completing the application
- Email the application and preapproval/advance form to the Director of Professional Development and Innovation (hard-copy forms will not be accepted)
Application Timeline:
- Apply to the Professional Development Work Group to attend CLI - by March 31, 2018
- Application review by the Classified Professional Development Work Group - by April 13, 2018
- Register (if possible) and reserve hotel - By March 31, 2018
Application Review Process:
Applications will be reviewed by the Classified Professional Development Work Group. Names will be redacted from applications prior to review. The Classified Professional Development Work Group will review the application using the CLI Application Rubric. The two applicants with the highest scores on the rubric will be selected to attend. Applicants will be notified of approval or denial by email.
Per recommendations from the Classified Senate, the CLI Application Rubric will prioritize the following criteria:
- Identification as Classified Senate Leaders or interested in becoming Classified Senate Leaders
- Details about networking, building leadership, mentoring, and further participation in shared governance
- Description of skills the applicant anticipates to gain from the CLI
- Expressed interest in representing Cañada College including sharing Cañada's successes, building a network, and building and engaging in leadership
- Explanation of how learning from the CLI can be applied to multiple areas of the college including specific sessions the applicant plans to attend
Attendees whose fees are paid through Classified Professional Development Funds will be expected to share their learning at a Classified Senate meeting in the Fall 2018.