Resource Prioritization Process

As part of its annual, integrated planning and budgeting cycle, Cañada College uses Program Review of its instructional programs, student services and administrative services to identify needed resources and prioritize them.  By linking these resource requests to an analysis of program/service effectiveness and alignment with the program, college and District goals, decision-makers can better prioritize the allocation of limited financial resources.  Each year, resource requests are compiled from Comprehensive Program Reviews and Annual Updates and submitted to Division Deans. Divisions have primary responsibility for prioritizing resources. Prioritizations are sent to the Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) which has primary responsibility for certifying that resource requests are prioritized according to the process outlined below.

Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Proposed to PBC by the Program Review Work Group & Approved by PBC in the Spring of 2021

Step One: Programs Rate Level of Priority Upon the Creation of Non-Personnel Resource Requests

As program review authors are entering their resource requests into Improve, they will use the ‘Resource Priority Ranking’ field to prioritize their program’s non-personnel resource requests (High, Medium, or Low Priority). This initial prioritization happens at the program level and will be included on the resource request spreadsheet that will then be reviewed and prioritized by the Division.  Note: only resource requests of $500 or more are required to be prioritized (PBC, January 2020).

Step Two: Divisions Ensure Requests Meet Minimum Criteria

College Divisions must make it possible for the College to accomplish its Mission and improve its institutional effectiveness and academic quality.  The Program Review planning and resource prioritization process should address the short- and long-range needs for educational programs and services and for human, physical, technology, and financial resources. 

Divisions must consider all of the information gathered in the resource request spreadsheet to further prioritize all of the Division’s non-personnel resource requests (except those valued at less than $500). If Divisions use additional information to prioritize their non-personnel resource requests, they must reference the information and the manner in which it was collected. Important data to reference and document includes:

  • The context for the resource requested (included in the comprehensive program review or annual update)
  • Does the resource(s) requested support the program’s goals?
  • Do the program’s goals support the achievement of the College’s Mission?
  • Do the program’s goals support the College’s goals and strategic initiatives?

Step Three:  Divisions Prioritize Requests 

All College Divisions are welcome to prioritize their non-personnel resource requests in the manner most appropriate for them.  We recommend that divisions use the Resource Prioritization Guide below to prioritize their resources.  Or they may use another prioritization tool.  Whatever tool is used (if any), the Division must document its use and present the tool along with their overall prioritization to PBC each year.

  • Do the program’s goals support the achievement of the College’s Vision and Values, including:
    • Closing the equity gaps identified in the Program, Division or College?
    • Contributing to Latinx (HSI) and Asian American, Native American, and Pacific Islander (AANAPISI) student success in the Program, Division or College?
    • Contributing to Black and African American student success in the Program, Division or College?

resource prioritization guide

Step Four: PBC Certifies Prioritization Process & Collects Division Summaries

After Divisions complete the process of prioritizing resource requests, PBC must certify that the prioritization process has been followed. PBC will collect a brief summary of the process used by each Division from a Dean and a Program Review Author (representative) from each Division. The summary includes answers to the following questions:

  • Do all prioritized resource requests align with and support the College’s Mission, Vision and Values?
    • If No, please explain.
  • Please provide a brief summary of how your Division went about the resource request prioritization process during this cycle.  Include any rubrics, tools, or other information you considered during your process.

Personnel Requests and Prioritization

Personnel requests must be included in the Annual Updates (as attachments).  These will be prioritized in the normal manner. Vacancy and replacement positions do not need to be submitted through program review and are handled through participatory governance.


2023-2024 Resource Request Prioritization Results

2022-2023 Resource Request Prioritization Results

2021-2022 Resource Request Prioritization Results

2020-2021 Resource Request Prioritization Results

2019-2020 Resource Request Prioritization Results 

2018-2019 Resource Request Prioritization Results