Program Review & Program Planning
Working Draft: 11/6/15
Program Review
Program Review is a tool used to determine how effective the college's programs and services are at helping to achieve the college's mission and vision. Program review is implemented universally throughout the College on a biennial basis. Every two years faculty, staff and administrators evaluate various metrics of performance including student achievement data, learning outcomes assessments and other data to identify areas of strength, areas in need of strategic improvement, as well as areas of inquiry to which research resources might be applied. The Program Review is reviewed by the appropriate Planning Council and feedback is provided to the program. Over the subsequent two years, programs implement their action plans and then begin a new cycle of self-assessment that leads to continuous improvement in quality.Program Planning
Requests for physical, financial, human, professional development and research resources are integrated into Program Review. All requests are evaluated in the context of the most recent Program Review and for alignment with the appropriate institutional plans, such as the Strategic Plan and Student Equity Plan. By integrating resource requests with program review, the College makes strategic investments of its resources so as to achieve its goals, and ultimately, to improve its ability to meet students’ academic needs. By using data, research, and information, the College’s various Planning Councils are able to manage institutional quality, maintain effectiveness, and encourage continuous improvement of its academic programs, student and learning support services, and administrative services.
Requests for resources may occur in any year, regardless of whether the program is undergoing program review. All requests are evaluated in light of the most recent program review.
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