Student Success Program - SSP
Student Success Program
Whether you’re facing a major crisis or a minor challenge, the Student Success & Support Program is here to help. Student Success Program (SSP) provides support to students who fall into Academic or Progress Probation or Dismissal status. Our goal is to educate students on Probation/Dismissal policies, provide information regarding student services and programs on campus and develop success strategies through group and individual counseling sessions.
While the information in this section clarifies the details of Academic Probation and Academic Dismissal, don’t be afraid to call or come see us. Our caring and knowledgeable Counselors and Retention Specialist can provide assistance that is tailored to your specific needs and context. We can help you make sense of your present situation, map out options, and discover ways to make something good out of even the greatest challenges.
Probation and Dismissal
Probation and Dismissal is to be taken seriously. If you find yourself in either of these academic standings, you will be notified by the SSP team, through your SMCCD Gmail. You can view your academic standing on your unofficial transcript after grades are posted each semester. See WebSMART to review your transcript. The following is an explanation of the SSP program and what it means for you.
Early Alert
Early Alert is a voluntary partnership between Instructors and Staff to assist students in successfully completing their course. Faculty identifies students who are struggling in their class and refers them to the SSP team. The goal is to catch students early before they fall into probation and refer them to important Student Services.
Academic Probation
A student who has attempted at least 12 semester units and whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 is placed on Academic Probation 1. If you are on Academic Probation for a consecutive semester, you will be on Probation 2.
Progress Probation
A student who has enrolled in at least 12 semester units is placed on Progress Probation when W, I, and NP grades are recorded in one half or more of all units in which a student has enrolled. If you are on Progress Probation for a consecutive semester, you will be on Probation 2.
Return to Good Standing
A student placed on Academic Probation will return to Good Standing when the cumulative GPA has improved to a 2.0. A student placed on Progress Probation will return to Good Standing when the cumulative units of W, I, or NP are less than 50 percent of the total units attempted.
A student on Academic or Progress Probation for three consecutive semesters will go into Dismissal and a hold is automatically placed on your registration.
Requirements for being on Probation or Dismissal
Academic/Progress Probation 1: You should attend one of our SSP Workshops to learn more about getting back into Good Academic Standing. Counseling appointments are available upon request.
Academic/Progress Probation 2: You will be encouraged to meet with a SSP counselor and/or a Retention Specialist. If you have not yet attended a SSSP Workshop, you should consider it your next step. Other requirements and success strategies will be discussed during your Retention Specialist or counseling appointment.
Academic/Progress Dismissal: You will be required to meet with a SSP Retention Specialist and Counselor and complete a Reinstatement Petition Form to be considered for future enrollment.
Loss of California College Promise Grant (CCPG) & Loss of Priority Registration
Students who are placed on Probation for two consecutive terms or Dismissal will lose priority as a continuing student and will register during open enrollment.
Student who fails to meet the minimum academic and progress standards of the institution for two consecutive semesters (fall and spring semesters, excludes summer) is at risk of losing eligibility for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG). If you currently do not receive the CCPG, you are still at risk of losing future eligibility until you regain good academic progress standing.
To reserve a spot for the workshops or schedule a counseling appointment, please call the Welcome Center Team at (650) 306-3452. To contact the Retention Specialist please call (650) 306-3228.