Academic Probation

Academic Probation

We know that circumstances can interfere with your college success. The Academic Probation Info Session can help you re-focus on your educational plans and goals.

When you are on a PROBATION STATUS you are out of good academic standing at Cañada College and the San Mateo County Community College District. For most students, the next step after Probation is DISMISSAL. Dismissed students are blocked from registration and their following term enrollment can be canceled. The Student Success Workshop can help!

It is important to do everything you can to avoid falling into Dismissal. To help you plan in getting back into a good academic standing, we encourage you to participate in an Academic Probation Info Session that covers the following: 

  • What type of Probation you are on?
  • Why you are on Probation?
  • How to get off Probation?
  • Strategies to become a successful student!

In order to better help you plan for your future success, please complete a progress report for all your current courses.

Info Session Dates for Spring Semester 2025 

  • April 3, Thursday, 1-2pm 
  • April 7, Monday, 3-4pm 
  • April 16, Wednesday, 2-3pm 
  • April 29, Tuesday, 11am-12pm 

This will be the zoom link