Student Success Program
The Student Success Program consists of a number of services created to assist those who are in academic difficulty. These support services are suited for students who are on Academic Probation 2 and subject to Dismissal and/or for those who have already been Dismissed from the San Mateo Community College District, which includes Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College. This is not designed to replace advisement with an academic counselor.
Required Steps for Reinstatement
Step 1: Attend Academic Probation Info Session
A one hour info session, facilitated by staff focusing on academic policies, academic success skills, and campus resources.
Info Session Dates for Spring Semester 2025
- April 3, Thursday, 1-2pm
- April 7, Monday, 3-4pm
- April 16, Wednesday, 2-3pm
- April 29, Tuesday, 11am-12pm
This will be the zoom link
Step 2: Meet with Academic Probation Coordinator and Academic Counselor
Complete the Registration Clearance Form with them
The student should meet with a Counselor to develop a Student Educational Plan (SEP) to get the Form signed. The second step is to attend one of the Academic Probation Info Session dates listed on this page.
Contact the Welcome Center to schedule your appointment.
Step 3: Follow Up with Academic Probation Coordinator
A follow up meeting with a Counselor and/or Coordinator each semester to receive additional guidance and support. Students who have been dismissed are also required to provide mid-term progress reports to Academic Probation Coordinator.