Course Descriptions
CRER 110 Honors Colloquium in Career and Personal Development: Transfer Essentials and Planning (1 units)
Essential information about transferring to a four-year university. Includes university visits and exploration; transfer planning, policies, and process; academic requirements; and transfer tools and services. Students examine their life plan and achievements to develop strong personal statements; assess costs and funding resources; and learn about how changes in educational policies and regulations may affect their educational plans.
CRER 127 Career Choices II: Job Search (0.5 units)
Focuses on job search preparation. Topics include: job market trends, resume, networking, marketing yourself, gathering information, preparing for the interview, common interview questions, successful interview strategies and follow-up actions. Students will practice and receive guidance on the major stages of a job or internship search.
CRER 137 Life and Career Planning (3 units)
Provides a comprehensive approach to life and career planning. Topics include self- assessment (values, skills, personality and interests), and an analysis of career development over the life span. An intensive career investigation that encompasses decision-making, goal-setting, job search strategies, resume writing and interviewing skills.
CRER 300 Introduction to Scholarships (1.5 units)
Introduces students to scholarship and financial aid opportunities at the local, state, and national levels. Learn research techniques and utilize publications, software, internet sites, and community resources. Emphasis on development of a personal organizational system to manage the process of the scholarship search. Identify scholarships that meet personal criteria. Personal statements, interview techniques, resumes, organization and time management are also covered.
CRER 401 College Success (1 units)
Provides students with essential tools, skills, and information including college policies, procedures, educational requirements, and college programs/support services. This course also assists students in time management, setting goals, decision-making skills, and other strategies for success.
CRER 430 Career Assessment (0.5 units)
Designed to help individuals define career and/or college major alternatives. Vocational interests, skills, and values instruments are given and results interpreted.
CRER 695 Independent Study (0.5- 3 units)
Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized instruction provided in selected areas or directed study to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.