Why Join ASCC
ASCC Application
(Available positions for Spring 2025 Semester)
Student Senate Application - (Spring 2025 Only)
Student Senate General Application - 2025/2026 Academic Year
What you'll need for Spring 2025
- A completed Student Senate Application
- Nomination Petition (with the 25 signatures - only)
- Attend two consecutive ASCC meetings
- Interview with ASCC
What you'll need for the 2025/2026 Academic Year
- A completed Student Senate Application
- Nomination Petition (with the 50 signatures - only)
Benefits of joining the ASCC Student Government
- Incredible leadership opportunity
- Scholarship opportunities
- Be the voice of the students
- All paid expenses travel to leadership conferences and retreats
- Create new networks and friends
- Get a step-up in transfers and job opportunities!
Benefits of becoming the 2025/2026 Student Trustee
- Advocate for all SMCCCD students
- Build networking and communication skills
- Conference Travel and Leadership Retreat
- Health Benefits
If you are interested in joining the ASCC Student Senator or becoming the Student Trustee, please contact the Center for Student Life for more information. The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development's email is canstudentlife@my.smccd.edu
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Student Life & Leadership Manager and Student Senate Advisor, Sergio Suarez, suarezs@smccd.edu
Guidelines + Roles
ASCC General Elections Timeline - 2025/2026 Academic Year | Official ASCC Officer Roles 2025 - 2026