Funding Request

Let's get your campus event and idea funded!

Step 1: Apply for Funding   Step 2: Get Reimbursed After Approved

Policies and Procedures for Receiving Funding

Registered clubs, organizations, departments, and programs requesting funding from ASCC must comply with all policies and procedures From Article IV: Financial Contracts, Section 5 ASCC Funding Request from the ASCC Constitution and Bylaws and Associated Student Body Accounting Manual: From CSIS, California School Information Services

  • Events must benefit or target a maximum number of Cañada College students
  • Your advertisement and posting MUST have the Student Senate logo, linked HERE
  • Fund allocations cannot be used for:
    • Alcohol
    • Any startup cost for a specific organization or group
    • Scholarships
    • Apparel or Banners (needs pre-approval from Marketing Department of the college)
    • Gift Cards
    • Fundraising events
    • Written in tips on receipts
  • Requests turned in with less than four weeks’ notice can only be granted a maximum of $100
  • A maximum amount of $2,000 can be asked  for any single event
  • Clubs/Organizations must contribute at the least 20% to the cost of the event
  • All ASCC Funding Requests shall be approved through a majority vote of the Student Senate