Clubs and Organizations

Join a Club Today!

Clubs and organizations focus on student interests in careers, education, multicultural diversity, recreations, politics, the environment, service, and more! They are a great way to get involved, build friendships, and they are a great resume builder! There are clubs of all types on campus and they change periodically with the changing interests of the student body. If there is not a club that suits your needs, you can start a new one!

 View Clubs List   ICC Agenda and Minutes    Submit Club Application   Submit Club Advisor Contract

What do I need for my Club Application?

  1. Find at least FOUR students currently enrolled at Cañada College to serve as club officers
  2. Find at least ONE full-time faculty or staff member to serve as the club advisor
  3. Review the Club Training Guide
  4. Complete Club Application
  5. Have your Advisor review the Club Training Guide and sign their Advisor Contract

Clubhouse Reservation

  1. Want a place to meet? Check out the Clubhouse site!