Free Speech
In the spirit of open discussion and freedom of expression, any individual or group may use campus and District exterior spaces, including lawns, plazas, quadrangles, patios, and similar or related open spaces on the College campuses and District grounds for the free exercise of academic freedom and free expression, subject to the regulations and the restrictions of this policy.
How May I Reserve a Date and Space on Campus?
- Complete a Free Speech Application before you wish to come to campus to ensure a location is not already reserved
- Email your completed Free Speech Application to
- The Student Life and Leadership Staff will contact you if your requested location is already reserved
Free Speech FAQS
When are the best times to be on campus and what is available?
Monday-Thursday, 8am-3pm
Will I be provided a table and chairs?
Due to College/District Policy, College/District Resources, such as tables and/or chairs and parking permits cannot be utilized in support of Non-profit Organizations/Free-Speech/501(c)(3)Organizations
What do I have to pay?
As a Non-profit Organizations/Free-Speech/501(c)(3)Organizations there is no charge
Time Place and Manner:
Would you like further details? Check out the Board Policy on 2.31: Speech: Time, Place, and Manner