Multicultural Programming
The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development extends the opportunity for students to become actively involved with multicultural programming boards on campus. In efforts to develop a supportive and inclusive college culture across the boundaries of culture, identity and discipline, students are encouraged to participate in multicultural programming and attend multicultural events.
Our multicultural programming board is one of many the many ways to get involved with on-campus events and to connect to other student campus leaders.
Volunteer at Multicultural Events
If you would like to volunteer in any of our upcoming multicultural events, please, complete the following form and specify the event you are interested in.
You will receive an email confirmation as well as volunteer opportunities. On a side note, you do not have to volunteer for the whole time period of the event.
Past Multicultural Events
Black History Month

The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development annually celebrates Black History Month, offering various events and programs. Most recently, the Black Student Union presented a screening on The Hate U Give followed by a discussion on the film
and realities of the black community. The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development have also hosted screenings of Blindspotting and Just Mercy to continue to raise awareness of the systematic racism and inequities in our society. The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development has only made it a point to annually attend the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity to continue to learn anti-racist work and tools to improve our campus environment.
On February 9, 2016, Dr. Frank Harris III visited Cañada College to share his research on the topic of “Student Success for Men of Color in Community Colleges.” More specifically, he addressed the role of masculinity for men of color and how it impacts their experiences and success (or lack of success) in community colleges. For example, prior schooling and social stereotypes of unintelligence can affect the persistence and success of men of color in community colleges. Thus, in order to combat stereotypes and engage more men of color, we (administrators, staff and faculty) must provide positive messaging (i.e. “you belong”, “you are very intelligent”, “you can do this”, “you can succeed” and so forth) that invites interactions and engagement. Through authentic positive messaging, we focus on developing relationships with students that connects them to people, not just services. After the presentation, Dr. Harris III opened it up for questions from the audience. Staff, administrators and students alike asked tough questions which ultimately enriched and expanded the scope of best practices to engage students in community colleges.
On February 16, 2016, Professor Clay collaborated with ASCC for the film screening of “The Black Panthers.” The documentary allowed students to take a closer look into the history of the Black Panthers and listen to the narratives of aging Black Panther Party members. Throughout the film the power of language and use of rhetoric was emphasized as a powerful force that can be used towards liberation. In light of the recent criticism Beyoncé received for paying homage to the Black Panthers, the film screening helps us better understand some of the social, political and cultural significance of the Black Panther Party movement and relevance today.
Pride Day
In 2015 we celebrated the first Cañada Pride Day. Pride Day, a celebration of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/ Transexual, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/ Allies (LGBTQIA) Community was an event that aspired to educate and ideally influence both our schools’ curricula and student activism as it pertains to human rights. The aim of the event was to spotlight a marginalized community and incite understanding, while also spreading awareness of issues faced by this community. The ASCC conveyed this message through literature (e.g. gender neutral language cards, preferred pronoun name cards, and safe zone training materials), student/community interaction, tabling of campus and county support groups, a student panel, and guest speaker, Estelle Weyl, an internationally published author, speaker, trainer, and consultant in the Bay Area. Estelle Weyl highlighted her experiences as a working professional who identifies as both a member of the LGBTQIA community and as a woman in the technology industry, an industry heavily dominated by men. Inspired by the Student Panel of Pride Day, the Safety Committee has also began discussion on additional gender neutral bathrooms and the inclusion of a ‘pronouns’ tab in the registration process. Overall, Pride Day was a successful event that helped validate and affirm the experiences of LGBTQIA students, faculty, and staff and Gender Sexuality Alliance and the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development has supported Alliance Day since.
Dia de los Muertos
The Associated Students of Cañada College (ASCC) proudly hosts a week-long celebration of Dia de los Muertos—Day of the Dead—a holiday predominantly celebrated in Mexico and Latin community. In collaboration with the Puente project, students, staff and faculty come together to celebrate a festivity that honors the deceased members of one’s family. In addition, an alter display at the Grove, the game loteria, and marigold flower and papel picado workstations are available for students to participate and engage in learning about the significance of each cultural practice.

Las Posadas
The Associated Students of Cañada College (ASCC) celebrated Las Posadas, a tradition that marks the beginning of Christmas season. According to “Chicano Folklore,” Rafaela G. Castro points out that “the reenactment of Las Posadas is an ancient tradition that can be traced back to the early conquest in Mexico and to the christianization of the Aztecs by the Augustine priests (191).” While the Aztecs celebrated the birth of their god Huitzilopochtli, the Catholic Church celebrated the birth of Christ. As a result, priests saw this opportunity to introduce the Aztecs with a new religion. With the reenactment of Joseph and Mary seeking lodging, Las Posadas is celebrated with a procession of peregrinos seeking shelter in various homes while singing carols at each house visited. Today, Las Posadas is still celebrated in several Mexican communities in the United States. Cañada College embraces this Mexican tradition by celebrating Las Posadas on campus with tamales, ponche, and rosca de reyes.
Lunar New Year
The Associated Students of Cañada College (ASCC) celebrates Lunar New Year, designing ways to honor culture and traditions of its annual holiday.