
All full time faculty are listed below.

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For Faculty Office Hours, see Faculty Door Cards at: http://www.smccd.net/doorcard/can_student_list.asp

Name Department
Aguirre, Alicia English as a Second Language
Anderson, Gregory Vice President, Instruction
Aranyakul, Sarah Counseling
Barrales-Ramirez, Lorraine EOPS Counselor
Behonick, Danielle Biology/Health Science
Blok, Regina Director, DSP&S
Buckley, Lawrence G. College President
Budd, Anna Theatre Arts
Cabrera, Leonor Accounting
Carter, Lucy Salcido Director, CIUS
Castello, Jennifer English as a Second Language
Chaney, Ronda Fashion Design
Clay, David English
Darafshi, Gloria Counseling
Devlin, Kurt Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance
Einhorn, Jessica Anthropology
Elteto, Atilla Astronomy/Physics
Enriquez, Amelito Engineering
Erickson, Denise Art History
Eslamieh, Salumeh English/Reading
Field, Alison History
Foguet-Mendoza, Michelle Counseling
Follansbee, Rich Mathematics
Gangel, Susan English
Garcia, Michael Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance
Garcia, Romeo Program Director, TRiO Student Support Services
Goines, Valerie ECE/CD
Gross, Jeanne English as a Second Language
Hall, Patricia ECE/CD
Hayes, Linda Dean, Business, Workforce & Athletics Division
Hirzel, Douglas Biology
Hoffman, Michael Mathematics
Hum, Denise Mathematics
Innerst, Evan Mathematics
Johnson, David Dean, Humanities & Social Sciences Division
Jones, Pam Radiologic Technology
Jung, Carolyn Computer Business Office Technology
Kaven, Jessica Communication Studies
Lacefield, Hyla Multimedia Art & Technology
Lapuz, Raymond Mathematics, MESA Coordinator
Lathigara, Rajesh Workforce Development
Lee, Robert Sociology
Lipe, Catherine MESA Coordinator
Lopez, Kim Dean, Enrollment Services
Mahoney, Susan Earth Sciences
Malamud, Monica Spanish
Martin, Nick Counseling
Meckler, David Music
Medina, Jeanette Chemistry
Mendez, Sandra Counseling
Miladinova, Ana Dance
Morales, William Art
Naas, Paul Multimedia Art & Technology
Nance, Candice International Business
Nicholls, Anne Cooperative Education
Olesen, Karen Academic & Career Counselor
O'Neill, Kay Director, Workforce Development
Palmer, Lisa English
Partlan, Martin Physics
Rana, Anniqua English as a Second Language/English
Rhodes, Carol Biology
Rice, Jane Instructional Designer, Distance Education Coordinator
Richards, Robin Vice President, Student Services
Rivera, Rafael Radiologic Technology
Roscelli, Paul Economics, Accounting, Business Law
Saterfield, Sondra Psychology
Schertle, Katherine English as a Second Language
Schwarz, Bill CIS/Engineering
Stanford, Michael History
Staples, Nathan Biology
Stoner-Brito, Carla Counseling
Stringer, Janet Dean, Science & Technology
Terzakis, Elizabeth English, Reading
Tong, Po Mathematics
Torres, Elsa Interior Design
Tricca, Bob Chemistry
Valenzuela, Yolanda Reading
Ware, Lezlee Political Science
Young, Frank Philosophy