Bylaws of the Constitution of the Cañada College Academic Senate



Section 1: The Academic Senate represents all certificated full-time and part-time faculty of Cañada College. (“Faculty,” as used here, is defined in Title 5 CCR Sections 53402, 53301 and 53302)

Section 2: The Academic Senate shall consist of (a) officers elected by the college faculty, (b) Curriculum and Professional Development Committee faculty chairs, or their designee, (c) senators elected or appointed by each instructional and student service division of the college, and (d) one adjunct representative senator elected by the adjunct faculty of the college.

Section 3: The Executive Committee consists of either the Senate President or Vice President, along with at least two other members of the Academic Senate selected by the Academic Senate.

Section 4: The Academic Senate may call upon faculty for the payment of professional dues to support the purposes of the Academic Senate as defined in its Constitution. However, professional dues are not to be a condition for eligibility to vote in Senate elections, and no sanctions are to be imposed upon faculty who do not pay such professional dues. Collection of voluntary dues payments shall be accomplished through payroll deduction.



Section 1: The president shall appoint an Election Committee subject to the approval of the Academic Senate. This appointment should take place by the first Academic Senate meeting in March. The Election Committee shall consist of at least two Senate members who represent different divisions and who are not running for Senate office. The responsibilities of the Election Committee shall be to:

  • establish an election timeline,
  • solicit and collect names of nominees,
  • create, distribute, collect and count the ballot,
  • announce election results.

Section 2: All faculty members, as defined in Article I, shall constitute the electorate for Senate officers and amendments to the Senate constitution.

Section 3: The report of nominations by the Election Committee shall be submitted to the Academic Senate at least two weeks prior to the election. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at this time.  Nominations will be closed upon action by the Academic Senate.

Section 4: In the case where, upon close of the nominations, a candidate is unopposed, the officer candidate may be elected by unanimous vote of the Academic Senate.  If the vote is not unanimous, an election shall be held.

Section 5: In the case that there are no nominees for a vacant office, the office shall remain vacant and the Election Committee shall schedule a special election to occur during the following semester.  The candidate elected in the special election shall complete the remaining term of the office.

Section 6: All candidates shall have the opportunity to address the Senate at a meeting prior to the election.

Section 7: Elections shall be held by written or electronic ballot.  Identities of the voters must be validated.  Ballots are to be returned and tabulated on or before the last Academic Senate meeting of the academic year.

Section 8: Election results may not be announced in part.

Section 9: Officers shall be elected by simple majority of the ballots cast.  A tie shall be resolved by a simple majority vote of the current Academic Senate.

Section 10: The Academic Senate shall have the authority to interpret rules for the call and conduct of elections.

Section 11: On petition of at least 40% of the faculty electorate, a special recall election shall be held for any officer of the Academic Senate.  The recall election shall occur within two weeks of validation of the petition.  The officer shall be considered recalled by a two-thirds majority of the ballots cast by the electorate.



Section 1: Any individual who is currently adjunct faculty at Cañada College is eligible for the representative position. The individual may continue as representative for the duration of their term, even if they do not have a teaching assignment at Cañada in any of the subsequent semesters during the term.

Section 2: The president shall announce the adjunct representative position no later than the first September Academic Senate meeting of each year.

Section 3: The nominations for the adjunct representative position shall be confirmed in the next Academic Senate meeting.

Section 4: Current adjunct faculty at Cañada will have the opportunity to vote on nominees for at least ten days.

Section 5: After the voting period closes, election results will be announced at the next Academic Senate meeting.

Section 6: The term of the adjunct representative is one-year renewable. The individual may continue as adjunct representative into the next academic year until a new individual has been elected adjunct representative or the individual has been reelected to the position. 



Section 1: The officers of the Academic Senate shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The officers shall be elected for a term of two years. They shall assume the duties of their respective offices at the first day of the academic year. The President and Vice President shall be elected in odd numbered years, and the Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years. Upon completion of his/her term, the outgoing President shall be invited to serve one year as an ex officio non-voting member of the Academic Senate.

Section 2: During the current President's first year of service, the most recent President will, by mutual consent, advise the incoming President for up to one academic year. If the past President can't serve as advisor, the Academic Senate may vote on a recent (within 10 years) past Academic Senate President to fulfill the adivsor role. 

Section 3: Vacancies of elected officers will be filled as follows:

  • Succession: If the President cannot complete his/her term, then the Vice President will succeed the President for the duration of the President’s elected term.
  • Appointment: If any elected officer position other than the President cannot fulfill his/her term, then the balance of the Academic Senate shall, after deliberation, appoint a faculty member to complete that individual’s term.

Section 4: The Senators of the Academic Senate shall be: the Curriculum Committee faculty Chair or designee, Professional Development faculty chair or designee, one representative from each Instructional and Student Service Division, and one adjunct representative. 

A. Divisions which include six or fewer full-time faculty may, by mutual choice, join another division for purposes of representation.

B. Faculty who are not members of a clearly defined division may, by mutual choice, join a division for purposes of representation.

Section 5: Senators shall be elected or appointed by their respective constituency and appointed by the Academic Senate for a one-year term.



Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Academic Senate. The President shall in every way endeavor to promote the interests and purposes of the Senate. The President shall uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of the Senate. The President shall appoint all temporary chairpersons of standing and special committees, and they shall serve subject to the approval of the Academic Senate. The President shall require an audit of the Senate books at the close of each academic year. The President shall meet regularly with the District Academic Senate to coordinate activities and policies which involve the faculties of the three colleges.  The President, or designee, shall serve on District governance committees.

Section 2: The President of the Senate shall consult with the standing committees of the Senate. Subcommittees of the Senate shall submit to the President their respective chair nominees for the upcoming academic year. In addition, the President may make other nominations as needed. The President shall submit these nominees to the Academic Senate for acceptance at the first Senate meeting of the new academic year. Those nominees accepted by the Academic Senate shall begin their duties immediately.

Section 3: The Vice President shall serve as assistant to the President and shall serve as President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall serve on the District Academic Senate. Other responsibilities of the Vice President shall be mutually agreed upon with the President.

Section 4: The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all Academic Senate meetings. In cooperation with the President, the Secretary shall prepare agendas for the meetings of the Senate and post minutes of the meetings and relevant materials online. The Secretary shall maintain the files of the Senate, and shall be responsible for carrying on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Senate as directed by the President.

Section 5: The Treasurer shall receive all remunerations belonging to the Senate. The Treasurer shall pay out the funds of the Senate on orders signed by the President. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized list of receipts and expenditures and shall make a written report of the prior academic year at the first regular meeting of the Senate.  The Treasurer will prepare a budget for the operation of the Senate at the beginning of each academic year and as requested by the President. The Treasurer will invite all new full and adjunct faculty to provide voluntary payroll deductions as dues to the Academic Senate. 



Section 1: The Academic Senate shall represent the members of the College faculty. It shall be the policy-making body of the faculty. It shall deliberate and act upon such matters of faculty interest and concern as are brought to its attention. It shall, through the President or through its special delegates, serve as the voice of the faculty and, when so directed, represent the faculty in relations with the District.

Section 2: The Academic Senate shall make all faculty appointments to committees of the College.

Section 3: The Academic Senate shall make recommendations to the Cañada College President regarding faculty-related concerns.

Section 4: The Academic Senate shall require minutes of action items to be kept and made available to members of the faculty.

Section 5: The Academic Senate shall meet on a regular basis to receive and consider the reports and recommendations of the Senate President, the chairpersons of the standing committees, and the Division Representatives. A summary of these reports shall be included in the minutes and posted online for all members of the faculty.

Section 6: Major issues, as defined by the Academic Senate, shall be submitted to members of the faculty for their deliberation. An advisory poll or vote may be called by the Academic Senate President at the direction of the Academic Senate, or by a petition endorsed by no fewer than 10% of the members of the faculty.



Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be the authorized representative of the Academic Senate during the summer session and/or winter break.

Section 2: There shall be standing committees of the Academic Senate related to curriculum and other matters identified by the Academic Senate. All authority and responsibilities of these committees shall be exercised through the Academic Senate.

Section 3: As necessary, the President may constitute committees, workgroups and task forces, and appoint faculty to these bodies with the approval of the Academic Senate. At the Academic Senate’s discretion, students may be appointed to committees. Student representatives may have the same voting privileges as faculty members.

Section 4: All committees established by the Senate shall be advisory and shall be responsible to the Academic Senate.

Section 5: All committees established by the Senate, must ensure that their Bylaws are developed in consultation with the Academic Senate and are consistent with the Senate’s Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 6 – Curriculum Committee:

  • The primary function of the Curriculum Committee shall be to coordinate and monitor Cañada’s curricular offerings so that they shall uphold the California Education Code, be consistent among the divisions and colleges of the District, be understandable to our students and staff, articulate with high schools and four- year institutions, and support the goals and objectives of the San Mateo County Community College District and Cañada College.
  • The Curriculum Committee shall make recommendations to the Academic Senate about general instruction policies and standards, and degree and certification requirements. The Curriculum Committee shall also deliberate over the initiation and modification of programs and courses. To do this, the Curriculum Committee shall seek input from those campus and committee individuals who are affected by curricular decisions, and whose input is needed by the Curriculum Committee to make informed decisions. The Committee shall request the Office of the President of Cañada College to provide such information as is necessary for its deliberations and actions.
  • All standing subcommittees of the Curriculum Committee shall have a written charter and guidelines. In addition, these subcommittees shall present, at minimum, annual reports to the Curriculum Committee.



Section 1: A quorum for taking action at a meeting of the Senate shall consist of a simple majority of the Academic Senate members. Vacant positions, but not absences, are excluded from the calculation of quorum.

Section 2: A quorum for taking action at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of a simple majority of the Executive Committee members.

Section 3: A quorum for taking action at a meeting of all other Senate subcommittees shall consist of a simple majority of the committee members.

Section 4: Senators that will be absent for a vote may, pending approval of the Academic Senate, transfer their voting rights to another delegate who is a member of their representative constituency.  Officers are not allowed to transfer their voting rights.



Section 1: The Constitution may be amended by a vote of the faculty as defined by Article I.  Amendments shall require at least 60% of the faculty electorate votes cast for adoption. Proposed amendments must be announced as a discussion and/or action item on the regularly distributed agenda for the Academic Senate meeting at which they will be addressed. Copies (hard or electronic) of these proposed amendments must be filed with the Senate Secretary and provided to all faculty members at least two weeks preceding the vote.

Section 2: The Bylaws may be amended by a vote of the Academic Senate.  Amendments shall require a simple majority of the Senate votes cast for adoption. Proposed amendments must be announced as a discussion and/or action item on the regularly distributed agenda for the Academic Senate meeting at which they will be addressed. Copies (hard or electronic) of these proposed amendments must be filed with the Senate Secretary and provided to all Senate members at least two weeks preceding the vote. 


Approved 4/14/22

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