College Research Council

Prior to the launch of the District Planning and Research Council in 2015, the College participated in a similar effort called the College Research Council.  Below are archived meeting agendas of that effort.

Meeting Agendas 

Thursday, 01-15-2015

1. Sexual Assult survey

2. Datawarehouse Issues


Data accuracy

Process for modifications

Thursday, 01-15-2015

  1. Gainful Employment (GEm) Disclosures:
  2. Board Goal Response
  3. District Strategic Planning Update
  4. CTE
  5. Aaron's system update

Thursday, 11-06-2014

  1.  CTE outcome survey – CSM collaboration
  2. CTE survey email blast
  • Status update on current survey
  • Logistics for email blast
  • Send to non-respondents
  • Stanford collaboration
  • Data Dashboard requests

Thursday, 10-16-2014


Thursday, 10-02-2014

  1. CTE Survey update (CTE deans survey)
  2. CTE Outcome Survey update (Santa Rose survey)
  3. Alternative Success Indicator
  4. Data Dashboard update
  5. Accreditation check in
  6. District Strategic Plan check in

Thursday, 09-18-2014


Thursday, 09-04-2014

  1. District Strategic Plan data request
  2. CTE survey update
  3. Feeder High School
  4. Data Dashboard (place holder)
  5. Non-traditional success indicators (place holder)

Thursday, 08-21-2014

  1. Welcome
  2. Accreditation Follow-Up Report Update
  3. District Strategic Plan--Proposal ; Data requests from the consultant; Data produced by John in our CRG shared drive
  4. CTE Survey (2:15pm to 3:10pm): Outcomes--(a) 3 items required by Perkins funding, (b) deadline for sending out survey, (c) changes to the survey, (d) who runs the survey

Single Parent / Single Pregnant Women:

The definition in the 1998 Perkins Act for this special population is simply “single parents, including single pregnant women.” The Federal Register from 1992 specified a definition with a little more detail of:

(1)Is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse; and

(2)(i) Has a minor child or children for which the parent has either custody or joint custody; or

   (ii) Is pregnant.

 1. I am a single parent with custody of a minor child.        



2. Are you a single pregnant woman attending CSM to develop job skills?



Displaced Homemaker

Although the definition of a displaced homemaker found in the 1990 Perkins Act is rather long and complex, the CCCCO Vocational Education Services Team (VEST) undertook an informal study of how colleges collect the data to report the special population categories required for the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act (VTEA). This is their recommendation for wording;


3.   Are you a displaced homemaker attending CSM to develop job skills?      



(Note: A displaced homemaker is an adult who previously has cared for a home and family, and because of this responsibility did not obtain the training or work experience necessary to find a job or a better paying job).


From: Price, Brandon Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:55 AM To: Ross, Kathleen; Carlson, Don; Hayes, Linda Cc: Ulate, David; Hsieh, Chialin; Sewart, John J. Subject: FW: CTE Survey

 CTE Deans,

 When we last met in March you requested that the researchers provide you with the following to support the process of revising the CTE survey:

    •          A list of data we can provide you annually (and therefore need not be collected on the CTE survey or through other methods)
    •          Our thoughts regarding data which should be collected or excluded on the CTE survey instrument

 Here are a few thoughts on these items from the researchers,

 Examples of data we can provide (see attached example of data provided by CSM research office):

    •          Unduplicated headcount of students participating in CTE courses
    •          Unduplicated headcount by gender, age, ethnicity, day or evening, educational goal, major.
    •          Success and retention in all CTE courses (annually and by term) aggregated and disaggregated by ethnicity and gender
    •          Grade distribution in CTE courses
    •          Course enrollments, FTEF, FTES, WSCH, Load
    •          Degrees and certificates awarded

 Examples of items we suggest be collected on the survey

    •          G#
    •          Name
    •          Data to determine eligibility of “economically disadvantaged students”
    •          Student satisfaction (How satisfied are they with various elements of the program)
    •          Challenges and obstacles (what are the barriers to student success)
    •          Student needs / program improvement (How could we improve the program)


Brandon Price

Research Analyst


Thursday, 08-07-2014 (Canceled)

Thursday, 07-17-2014 (Canceled)

  1. Edgar:
    1. IT Questions
    2. Data Dashboard next step
  2. CTE Survey--invite CTE deans
  3. DSPC Non-Traditional Metrics
  4. Placement Test Validation
  5. Student Equity Plan

Thursday, 07-03-2014 (Canceled)

Thursday, 06-18-2014

1. Launch board measures update

2. AB86 data collection

  • Brandon shared the data definition, will populate data for all 3 colleges, and share with us. (enrollment part)--Brandon submitted the AB86 enrollment data for all 3 college on July 1.
  • Financial part: Brandon will email to Vickie. Vickie can share with CSM and Skyline VPAS and figure out how to approach it with Gregory.  Branodn and Chialin informed Vickie on the cost piece. Chialin informed VPI--Gregory the need to coordinate all 3 colleges' cost definition.

3. Placement validation

  • Qualitative part and quantitative part. Brandon will bring John's document. Then will decide methodology. Next meeting to share.

4. SLOs

  • Brandon reported on Tracdat workshop. 3 ad hoc reports are requested. Will share with CRG. Invite Karen to join us (End of July or beginning of August) --share her experience, identify possible strategies to help faculty.

5. DSPC non-traditional metrics

  • David shared planning calendar. District is going to hire a consultant to do the strategic plan.
  • Non-traditional metrics: David will email us to get ideas what measures to include.

6. IT questions (hold for Edgar)

  • Invite Edgar next meeting. 


Thursday, 05-15-2014

1. Student Climate survey analysis

  • Agreed on the format and process. David will create the template. Data due to David by May 30. Draft report will be ready by June 9.

2. DSPC – Planning Calendar

  • David shared the proposed planning calendar. Start EMP 2017/18--2023/24 so our cycle can match our Accreditation Self-Evaluation in 2019/2020; then the following Accreditation Self-Evaluation in 2026/27.
  • Have district to discuss this planning calendar, especially additional plans to include (e.g., facilities master plan, technology plan)
  • College also discuss this planning calendar and feedback  to PRIE to DSPC.

3. IPEDS/MIS data

  • Ask IT to be part of this conversation. Discripency among our local data, MIS, and IPEDS.
  • Ask Rene/Shell/Eric/Edgar to come to our CRG meeting.
  • CRG will have questions (5-10 questions/items, based on our local data, Data on Demend, Data Mart, etc) prepared for Rene/Shell/Eric/Edgar.
  • Try to understand the discripency amon data sets.

4. Perkins data/core indicators

  • John took care of it with Sue. Done.

5. CTE survey check-in

From: Price, Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2014 9:55 AM
To: Ross, Kathleen; Carlson, Don; Hayes, Linda
Cc: Ulate, David; Hsieh, Chialin; Sewart, John J.
Subject: FW: CTE Survey

 CTE Deans,

 When we last met in March you requested that the researchers provide you with the following to support the process of revising the CTE survey:

    •          A list of data we can provide you annually (and therefore need not be collected on the CTE survey or through other methods)
    •          Our thoughts regarding data which should be collected or excluded on the CTE survey instrument

 Here are a few thoughts on these items from the researchers,

 Examples of data we can provide (see attached example of data provided by CSM research office):

    •          Unduplicated headcount of students participating in CTE courses
    •          Unduplicated headcount by gender, age, ethnicity, day or evening, educational goal, major.
    •          Success and retention in all CTE courses (annually and by term) aggregated and disaggregated by ethnicity and gender
    •          Grade distribution in CTE courses
    •          Course enrollments, FTEF, FTES, WSCH, Load
    •          Degrees and certificates awarded

 Examples of items we suggest be collected on the survey

    •          G#
    •          Name
    •          Data to determine eligibility of “economically disadvantaged students”
    •          Student satisfaction (How satisfied are they with various elements of the program)
    •          Challenges and obstacles (what are the barriers to student success)
    •          Student needs / program improvement (How could we improve the program)


Brandon Price

Research Analyst

Cañada College

(650) 306-3196

Thursday, 05-01-2014


Thursday, 04-17-2014 (Canceled) Rescheduled Tuesday, 04-22-2014

  1. Data dashboard roll out
  2. Student Equity/3SP
  3. DSPC achievement data (lifelong learner, single course taker, etc.)
  4. CTE survey check-in
  5. TRiO Grant work
  6. Student Satisfaction Survey

Thursday, 04-03-2014

  1. Edgar: all course attributes built in degree audit have them in Hyperion (Chialin ask Edgar.)
  2. DSPC: February Minutes; Success Factors; Rob Student Success
  3. Student Satisfaction Survey
  4. Data Dashboard--pre-requisite
  5. ACCJC new standards; Summary from DU
  6. CTE related Data

Thursday, 03-20-2014

  1. CTE Survey (30-45 min)--invite CTE deans
    1. Dec 2013 CTE Survey Results for Canada College
    2. Dec 2013 CTE Survey Results for Skyline College
    3. Dec 2013 CTE Survey Results for College of San Mateo
    4. Dec 2013 CTE Survey Results for San Mateo County Community College District

Thursday, 03-06-2014

  1. Student Satisfaction Survey--invite Barbara Christensen (each college will bring its own survey)
    1. 3 Colleges' surveys combination
    2. Final Draft (emailed to Barbara)
  2. ESL Placement Test Validation
  3. ACCJC Annual Report--especial the item on DE (what to include, what not to include)
    1. Head count: Current courses (use RE, DN, DP, DW), Academic History
    2. Degree applicable:
    3. DE: O and H MisCode
    4. CTE: Current course?
    5. GE:
  4. Data Dashboard update (02-19-2014)

Tuesday, 02-18-2014

  1. IRB--CSM and Skyline have already had their IRB established or in the process of establishing. Cañada will establish its own IRB.
  2. IPEDS--The insistence of nagivator (costs) among 3 colleges. Internal audit will be established in summer 2014 to find out the reason of inconsistency. (Brandon will remind us)
  3. Gainful Employment--I do not remember this one. Brandon and David, help?
  4. Student Success (District Strategic Plan--Board Goal #4)
    1. Common success indicators:
      1. Course completion (exclude W)
      2. Persistence (term to term)
      3. Course success (Basic skills, transfer, CTE, etc.)
      4. Achievement rate (Cohort analysis on goal attainment and/or milestone)
      5. Degree/Certificate. Transfer (counts)
      6. Progression of Basis Skills students (cohort analysis)
    2. Alternative success indiators: could be Skills Builder concept (including life-long learner)
    3. Individual college success indicators
  5. CTE survey: invited CTE deans to March 20 meeting to discuss CTE Survey. John discussed with Sue on the data entry details and will share with the group later.
  6. Student Satisfaction Survey: invited Barbara Christensen to March 6 meeting to discuss/finalize Student Satisfaction Survey.

Thursday, 02-06-2014 

(a) Gainful employment--completed. Dued on January 30, 2014. (done)

(b) IPEDS--...

(c) Student Satisfaction Survey--Skyline and Canada will discuss the core items from CSM surveys (not happen yuet.)

(d) Share drive for CRG--...

(e) CTE Survey

  • John talks to Sue (?) ...
  • David emailed survey reports to PRIE and CTE deans (done)
  • Ask CTE deans how they are using the survey report (?) ...
  • What is next? Timeline? ...

(f) Data Dashboard--next meeting, Tuesday, February 18th.

(g) District Strategic Planning Committee--Draft Board Goal 2014-2015 (1/23/2014).

Goal #4: Success measures

  • Traditional success measure
  • SMCCD success measure
  • Individual College-set success measure

What is next? Timeline? ...

(h) International Student (John)

  • Using John's report as our base
  • Timeline to generate our college's international student report? (CSM is done, Canada?, Skyline?)...

Thursday, 01-23-2014

(a)    Gainful employment

calculation tuitions, fee information, checking with PPA, checking with Office of Instruction for instructional fees and materials, using the RV Table to calculate student loans, follow PPA for program length and # of units (i.e., CSM uses weeks), (Canada will ask Margie).

(b)    IPEDS

Going on screen and validating the data. Meet the deadline.

(c)    Student Satisfaction Survey

Chialin Communicated with Barbara C on January 14, 2014 and cc'ed John and David.

The timeline for the student satisfaction survey based on the College Research Group’s discussion is as follows: 

    1. January and February: Each college seeks feedback from their stakeholders using CSM’s student survey as the foundation including Barbara’s specific questions.
    2. March: Finalize the survey in the College Research Group on core questions and scales.
    3. April: Individual college administers its survey before last day of withdraw (April 24).
    4. Allow 2-3 weeks before close the survey.
    5. May or June: beginning of May or June, results from each college will be available--a District view and each college's results in the final report.

Canada and Skyline will need to decide what core items from CSM surveys.

(d)    Share drive for CRG

Monique requested and will follow up

(e)    CTE Survey

(a) John is going to Sue about the item related to single parent status for self declare education disadvantage and make sure it is entered into Banner. Will let CTE deans know about it.

(b) use the results of the CTE survey--David will email to 3 PRIE and CTE deans the summary report and data file. Find out how CTEs are using the results and report back. (Chialin will remind David)

(c) Propose revised survey items and discuss with CTE dean on editing survey items. Are we using this survey results with sooo many items? Or we want to revise it to a simple survey? What is the purpose of the survey?  (Late spring to start the conversation)

1. Displaced homemaker

2. Single parent

3. Dissemination of the survey (effective way?? or multiple methods? Bring laptops? Bring students to labs?

(f) Data Dashboard

See the attached emails for progress: Edgar; Chialin; Monique (email and a list of high schools excel file)

(g)  District Strategic Planning Committee: Board Goal 2014-2015 #4.

Chialin will get the info from Barbara and email to the group. Next meeting will discuss assumptions and possible methods. Draft Board Goal 2014-2015 (1/23/2014).

(h) International Students

Jing and Jim wanted the international students information. John and Monique will share with us the query. Colleges need to have a report for Jing and Jim. Next meeting, we will have the reports done??

Survey? Unified survey?