The Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) oversees and facilitates the college's planning processes, including the Strategic Plan, the Educational Master Plan, the Instructional Program Plan, the Student Services Program Plan, ACCJC Recommendations, Accreditation Planning Agendas, and the Facilities Plan.
PBC advises and makes recommendations to the President on matters pertaining to:
- prioritizing expenditures to advance the College goals,
- planning,
- governance issues,
- issues regarding college facilities, maintenance, and operations,
- issues regarding campus climate,
- any other issue affecting the well-being of the College at large;
PBC reviews College and District policies and develops procedures to implement policy; provides accreditation oversight; establishes ad-hoc workgroups and subcommittees to address college planning needs and priorities. PBC is organized into seven workgroups each with a special area of focus and relationship to accreditation standards.