Reassigned Time

What is reassigned time?

illustration of reassigned time

Faculty at Cañada College frequently engage in extensive activities beyond what is defined in the AFT contract as expected professional responsibilities.  Typically these "above and beyond" activities include faculty leadership, accreditation, research, academic support programs, and faculty development/support services.  Frequently these non-instructional activities empower and impassion faculty and give rise to significant innovations and benefits to the college.  Awarding reassigned time provides faculty with greater opportunity and flexibility in their schedule to engage in these activities.  Reassigned time is part of a faculty member’s workload that is subtracted from the primary faculty assignment as outlined in Apendex D of the faculty contract

Conditions in which reassignment is awarded

Reassigned time is typically awarded under one of four conditions...Read more >

How do I request reassigned time?

Faculty and administrators work cooperatively to complete a Request for Reassignment Proposal (RRP).  A RRP is only required for activities that fall under the "Discretionary" category that is described in the previous topic.  Reassignment for "Mandated" functions do not need to follow this process; they are independently arranged with the relevant Dean and Vice President of Instruction.  The Instruction Planning Council evaluates each RRP and provides feedback to the Vice President of Instruction.  The VPI follows up with instructional deans, senior college executives, Academic Senate leadership and the applicant.  If the request for reassignment is approved, separate processes that are established by the college will be used to identify the specific faculty member who will receive the reassignment.  These processes may include elections, application, appointment, or other practices.

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