Frequently Asked Questions 

Honors is for everyone! Anyone who is motivated and curious can take an Honors class and/or propose and Honors contract. You do not need to be an HTP member to take Honors coursework.

Input “Honors” into the webSCHEDULE to see a list of current Honors courses and check out the Honors Courses link on the HTP website.

There are many benefits of completing Honors coursework.

  1. Personal benefits of doing higher-caliber work
  2. Opportunity to work closely with a professor, who may later be able to write you a great letter of recommendation
  3. Honors notation on your transcript, which may help with transfer, scholarships, internships, and more. Anyone who sees your transcript will see that you put in extra effort to earn Honors credit.
  4. Present your work! Possible selection for participation in the Cañada College Research Conference and/or the Bay Area Honors Symposium
  5. Publish your work! Possible selection for publication in the BHC Journal, “Think You?! “

Sometimes Honors classes may be a bit more work, but often they are simply “different” work.  Honors requirements depends on the class, but generally Honors students dig deeper into topics of interest related to the course. Typical Honors work has included independent research papers, advanced computer programs, original creative work, development of community events, etc…

An Honors contract allow students to earn Honors credit while enrolled in a non-honors, transferable course.   Essentially an Honors contract turns a non-Honors course into an Honors course! See the Honors Contract link on the HTP website for more information.

Yes! Students from all backgrounds and in all majors are encouraged to take Honors classes and to join the Honors Transfer Program. You are encouraged to join (and take advantage of the benefits) even if you don’t plan to complete the program.

To join, complete the Membership Application available here. You can apply at any time.  Applications will be reviewed every fall and spring semester. To qualify for admission to the Honors Transfer Program a student must meet the following two criteria:

  • Current enrollment in or completion of either English 100 or English 105.
  • Have a high school GPA of at least 3.3 or a cumulative college GPA of 3.3 in at least 9 units of transferable courses.
  • Abide by all aspects of the college Academic Integrity Policy linked here

Apply early during your time at Cañada, so that you have time to take full advantage of the benefits AND to maximize your chances of completing the program. If you are interested, but don’t quite yet meet the above criteria, contact the Honors Coordinator.

There are many benefits of simply joining the HTP. 

  1. Priority registration in Cañada/Skyline/CSM
  2. Specialized academic advising from the Cañada Honors Counselor 
  3. Notification of Honors-related events
  4. Opportunities to present and/or publish your work! 

Admitted members must:

  • Complete a minimum of 15 units of honors course credit with a "C" or better
    • A maximum of two courses can be from Honors contracts.
  • Have a minimum overall 3.3 transfer GPA.
  • Take English 110 Honors (unless it has been taken before entering HTP)
  • Take IDST 150 Honors Research Seminar (in any semester)
  • Abide by the college Academic Integrity Policy.

Note: "transfer GPA" applies to transfer-level courses that you have taken at Cañada College and other institutions. Make sure that Cañada College has your transcripts from all of the other colleges you have attended. Contracts in 695 Independent Study and other CSU only transferable courses may NOT be used for UCLA TAP certification; however, they do count toward Cañada College’s Honors Transfer Program graduation and completion.

You may petition to have honors credit received at other colleges count in our program, but it is not guaranteed. With advance approval, we do routinely accept one Honors class from another college in our district (i.e. College of San Mateo and Skyline College). Contact the Honors Coordinator for more information.

  1. Participation in the courageous pursuit of knowledge!
  2. Priority transfer opportunities at prestigious 4-year institutions throughout CA and the country. The two most commonly used priority transfer opportunities are with UCLA and UC Irvine. See the Transfer Agreements page on the HTP website for more information.
  3. Special recognition at graduation, and notations on your transcripts and your degree/certificate.
  4. Enhanced scholarship opportunities from Cañada College and transfer institutions (e.g. UCLA TAP Scholarship)

The HTP does not require you to complete Honors coursework each semester. HOWEVER, if your goal is to complete the HTP (15 units of Honors coursework), you will likely want to spread that work over several semesters. We do require you to take two honors courses a year (one can be a contract). We also strongly recommend taking an Honors course/contract each semester. See the Honors Course menu link to see a proposed plan for completing 15 Honors units over 4 semesters.

The IDST 150 Honors Research Seminar is required for all HTP students to complete the program. Students pursuing an Honors Contract should plan on taking the 1-unit Honors Research Seminar (IDST 150) at the same time. However, it can also be taken with an Honors class that requires a research paper.

IDST 150 will help guide you through the research process, complimenting and supporting the mentoring you receive from your Honors Contract or Honors Course professor. In IDST 150, you’ll be working with a cohort of other Honors students going through the same process. The course  counts toward the 15 units needed to complete the Honors Transfer Program. 

The Honors Research Seminar will also help you prepare to present your work at the Canada College Honors Research Showcase and the Bay Honors Consortium Honors Research Symposium.

Priority registration gives specific groups of students the opportunity to register for classes early. Registering early can help ensure that you are able to get into your desired class sections. Members of the Honors Transfer Program who have a current Student Educational Plan (SEP) are eligible for priority registration. Be sure to keep your SEP up-to-date, by meeting with the Honors Counselor each semester.