Cañada College Research Plan 2014-2017
Cañada College Research Plan 2014-2017
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EMP Objective 1: Teaching and Learning
EMP Objective 1.1: Assess the institutional student learning outcomes and discuss the assessment results throughout the campus. (March)
1.1.1. Office of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) supports the College SLO Task Group, faculty, and staff to (a)develop and refine institutional SLOs (b)identify appropriate methods for assessing institutional SLOs,(c) examine the results of SLO assessments, and (d) develop strategies for improving the process of assessing SLOs when it is appropriate.
1.1.2. PRIE supports members of the campus community in their efforts to conduct assessments using defined measures and to catalog the results of those assessments.
1.1.3. PRIE supports members of the campus community to develop methods for examining the results of the assessments.
1.1.4. PRIE supports members of the campus community to make needed changes in the College SLOs, assessment measures, curricula, and services.
Report (Assessment Manual)
Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO). (July)
PRIE provides College wide/Institutional student learning outcomes (ILO) reports each year.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) (July)
PRIE supports Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) reports when needed each year.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) (July)
PRIE supports Course Learning Outcomes reports when needed each year.
EMP Objective 1.2: Assess, evaluate, and implement flexible course scheduling options and pathways to accommodate students’ needs. (Fall and Spring)
(District Strategic Plan Recommendation 3.1c: Strengthen course offerings, services and workplace opportunities that prepare students for the demands of the contemporary workforce. (Enrollment Strategic Plan))
1.2.1. PRIE assists to evaluate students’ needs for course offerings (e.g., online, day/evening, block schedule, length of time, pathway)
EMP Objective 2: Completion
EMP Objective 2.1: Improve connections by linking outreach activities with the instructional programs to increase the interest in Cañada College, to include conducting outreach to middle schools, high schools, and community-based agencies to promote higher education. (August)
2.1.4. PRIE provides high school principals and superintendents with an annual report detailing how their former students have performed at Cañada College.
EMP Objective 2.3: Improve connections with potential students by conducting an engaging, well thought out orientation program that provides students with a thorough understanding of college requirements and financial aid. (December)
2.3.2. PRIE supports the assessment of new student orientation annually.
2.3.3. PRIE supports the assessment of student orientation, placement, counseling, and course taken success annually.
EMP Objective 2.4: Improve entry by identifying clear student pathways for basic skills, career/technical, general transfer, specific majors, honors, and courses/programs. (Fall)
2.4.3. PRIE assesses the success of students in completing pathways and persisting to the next semester.
EMP Objective 2.6: Improve progress through increased intentional counseling and other services to guide students to completion of their goals. (Fall)
2.6.1. PRIE assists the identification of key gatekeeper courses and monitors course success before and after a strategy implementation.
2.6.2. PRIE assists with the identification of unit thresholds for interventions (e.g., 30 earned units triggers services; certain size gap between attempted and earned units triggers visit).
EMP Objective 2.9: Improve completion by streamlining and removing bureaucratic barriers to receiving degrees and certificates. (July)
2.3.3. PRIE provides data needed to examine the effect of the college’s efforts to increase student completion. (This data includes the number of degrees and certificates awarded annually, units earned at time of completion, number of students with high unit loads who have not earned degrees or certificates, number and proportion of students who have met their educational goal, etc.).
EMP Objective 2.11: Improve completion by enhancing the Transfer Center outreach, activities, and articulation. (Fall)
2.11.4. PRIE provides data needed for the examination of the effect of the college’s efforts to increase student transfer. (Work with transfer center)
EMP Objective 2.12: Monitor the student success and completion data on a regular basis to assess progress. (September)
2.12.1. PRIE publishes “dashboard data” (Benchmark Report) on success rates of students, including analysis of demographics annually (fall).
2.12.2 PRIE develops and implements a plan for the use of the “dashboard data” throughout the college.
Data Dashboard
Benchmark Report (September)
PRIE provides Benchmark Report annually to the College on institution-set standards for student performance, encourage dialogues, and support appropriate change to increase student performance.
EMP Objective 3: Community Connections
EMP Objective 3.1: Establish a campus community outreach advisory group to address communication and collaboration with the community. (July)
3.1.4. Produce the high school report to assist the community connections effort for concurrent high school characteristics, high school graduates placement reports, and high school origin report annually. (Same as EMP 2.1.4)
EMP Objective 4: Global and Sustainable
EMP Objective 4.2: Through the Center for International and University Studies (CIUS), expand the international program. (Summer)
4.2.1. PRIE provides data needed by the International Student Educational Program.
DE Plan Goal 1: Broaden distance education course offerings to meet the needs of Cañada students. (July)
PRIE provides data and analysis related to online course offerings and enrollment to allow planning for future offerings. PRIE collaborates with deans and faculty to ensure planning and scheduling allow growth as indicated by the data review.
The office of PRIE supports the examination of student demand for online education. This includes providing statistics regarding existing enrollment patterns, developing instruments to assess student satisfaction with or interest in online education, etc.
DE Plan Goal 3: Develop DE assessment and continue to routinely assess and review the performance of students in on-line compared to face-to-face classes. (July)
PRIE provides data on student course retention and success in online, hybrid and face-to-face courses by semester.
DE Plan Goal 4: Increase student awareness, retention, and success. (July)
The DE committee provides data to PRIE by working with student services to continue monitoring usage of the online orientation, online counseling services, online library services, online tutoring, etc. to ensure access for our students.
(Related to the District Strategic Plan Recommendation 1.2b: Develop a holistic diversity framework that supports the access and success of diverse student populations, promotes institutional vitality and viability, and serves all students equitably.)
Student Equity Plan (SEP) Goal 1: Access
SEP Objective 1.1: Maintain HSI status by continuing outreach efforts that support access for Hispanic students. (March)
PRIE provides data on HSI status annually.
SEP Objective 1.2: To identify best practices in the recruitment of Black and White students to Cañada. (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides report on Black and White students needed by the Student Equity Plan.
Student Equity Plan (SEP) Goal 2: Success
SEP Objective 2.1: To develop programs and activities to (a) improve overall course success rates and (b) ensure the course success rates are equitable among all of the ethnic groups. (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides course success rate report by ethnic groups and facilitate the data dialogue to support the development of programs and activities.
PRIE also monitors the success rate for Black students to determine progress in meeting the goals stated in the SE Plan objective 2.1c. (The increase of 1% per year in success rate for Black students)
Student Equity Plan (SEP) Goal 3: Persistence
SEP Objective 3.1: To ensure all new students persist from fall to spring as dictated by their educational goals, as well as by ethnicity. (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides fall to spring persistence data, disaggregated by educational goals and by ethnicity.
(Special focus on Black students as stated in the SE Plan Objective 3.1a).
SEP Objective 3.2: Identify why Filipino and Asian students have a high course success rate and low persistence rate. (Fall and Spring)
PRIE studies the course enrollment patterns of Filipino and Asian students as well as the course success and persistence rates.
Student Equity Plan (SEP) Goal 4: Completion
SEP Objective 4.1: Increase the completion rate of students in degree and certificate programs. (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides completion information in degree and certificate programs with special focus on Hispanic, male, Black, and Filipino students as stated in the SE Plan Objective 4.1, in addition, to assist the development of a clear pathways to completion plan.
Student Equity Plan (SEP) Goal 5: Basic Skills and ESL
SEP Objective 5.1: To increase the course success rate in basic skills/ESL to the average course completion rate for the college. (Summer)
PRIE provides course success rate in basic skills/ESL as well as Black students who are in basic skills/ESL.
SEP Objective 5.2: ESL students will successfully move into academic and vocational classes at a higher rate than before 2010. (Summer)
PRIE provides information on ESL students move into academic and vocational classes each year and compare with 2010.
Student Equity Plan Recommended Initiatives
SEP Initiative A: Provide disaggregated data for all annual plan/program reviews. (September)
PRIE provides program review data packet which include students’ course retention and success by various ethnicity groups, as well as by basic skill, transfer, and CTE courses.
SEP Initiative C: Review and revise placement and placement exams (Fall)
PRIE works with student services division and study alternative mechanisms for placing students into Basic Skills or transfer level Math and English, may include high school GPA, transcripts in junior and senior math and English, the Common Core Curriculum, SAT scores, AP success.
PRIE works with student services division and basic skills committee on preparing and implementing a pilot study of a substantial cohort of students who would benefit from alternative placement mechanisms and innovations in basic skills curriculum and pedagogy.
Enrollment Management Goals (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides the Enrollment Report to the Cabinet at the beginning of each semester.
PRIE provides enrollment data on current high school student, including Middle College High School.
PRIE support and provide enrollment data on international students.
Student Success Goals (Fall and Spring)
See Student Equity Plan, Basic Skills Plan, and DE Plan.
PRIE and DEAC monitor DE course success rates and support the research on understanding why DE students are not successful.
Student Demographic Goals (Fall and Spring)
PRIE support the research on identifying the percentage of high school graduates that directly enter four-year institutions, bypassing the community college, and the percentage that are not pursuing any form of higher education.
PRIE provides enrollment data for evening and weekend course offerings.
PRIE support the research on identifying the lifelong learning needs of the greying population.
Instructional Program Offerings and Labor Markets Goals (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides data from CTE launch board and labor markets database.
New Student Enrollment Pipeline Goals (Fall and Spring)
PRIE provides data on summer/fall application to orientation.
PRIE provides data on summer/fall application to registration.
PRIE provides data on spring/summer orientation to registration.
Program Review Data Packet (September)
PRIE provides Program Review Data Packet each September for programs to prepare their program review process/report.
Administrative Services Program Review support (December)
PRIE provides support to the Administrative Services Program Review each year.
Student Services and Other Program Review support (December)
PRIE provides support to the Student Services Program Review each year.
PRIE provides Student Characteristics Report for fall and spring at the beginning of each semester.
PRIE works with the Office of Human Resources or Business Office to provide a College employee characteristics report.
PRIE provides training on the utilization of the Cañada College Data Dashboard to all College administrators, faculty, and staff.
PRIE provides the Cañada Student Success Scorecard Report to the Cabinet in April of each year.
PRIE works with senior leaders to provide accreditation related routine reporting (i.e., Annual Report).
PRIE provides data based on the following ACCJC Achievement requirement.
PRIE provides routine reporting related to local, state, and federal (i.e., IPEDS) agencies.
PRIE provides routine survey reporting related to local, state, and federal agencies.
PRIE provides support on the completion of the Student Equity Plan.
PRIE provides support on the completion of the Student Success Supports Program Plan.
These reports based on objectives from various plans are communicated through the following methods:
- electronic “Olive Hill Press” or general college wide email system to the College community
- email, paper or website reference provided to the president’s Cabinet
- email, paper or website reference provided to the instructional team
- email, paper or website reference provided to the student services team
- email, paper or website reference provided to academic senate
- email, paper or website reference provided to appropriate governance committees
- verbal or PowerPoint delivery in President’s Open Forum
The outcomes of utilizing these reports will be demonstrated in the Strategic Plan Progress Report, the Educational Master Plan Progress Report, and college’s various plans progress reports, in terms of how people make changes in their strategies to improve student success.