Action Research
Template for the Action Research (word)
Journal or Article
Karathanos-Aguilar, K. & Sidman-Taveau, R. (in press). Academic writing development and self-efficacy: A model for linguistically diverse pre-service teachers, Issues in Teacher Education.
Sidman-Taveau, R. & Karathanos-Aguilar, K. (2015). Academic writing for graduate- level English learners: Experiences in education. CATESOL Journal.
Sidman-Taveau, R. (2012). Procrastination proof research and writing, San Josė State University, AANAPISI ProjectLesson Plans,
Sidman-Taveau, R. & Marie Takai, (2010) From theory to practice and back in TESOL. CATESOL Proceedings, July, 2010.
Sidman-Taveau, R. (2005). Computer assisted project based learning in second language: Case studies in adult ESL. Dissertation Abstracts International, (UMI No. 3217624). Over 132 copies sold.
Sidman-Taveau, R. & Milner-Bolotin, M. (2001). Constructivist inspiration: A project-based model for L2 learning in virtual worlds, Texas Papers in Foreign Language, V.6 (1). Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin.
Sidman, R., Parkening Baker, M. & Bell, M. (2005). Making the most of TeachNet chats. The University of Texas at Austin, College of Education, Learning and Technology Center Web Site:
Sidman, R. (1994). Cultural synthesis in Latin American modernism: Carlos Mérida, a case study. Proceedings of Middlebury College Latinos in the U.S. Symposium (pp. 30-35). Middlebury, VT: Middlebury College.
Action Research
Kaven, J., & Hsieh, C. (2016). The Effect of Honor's Program on Student Transfer.
Hsieh, C. & Kaven, J. (2015). The Characteristics of Students in the Honor's Program.
Huang, T., & Hsieh, C. (2015). Placement Progression to Transfer.
Hsieh, C. (2015). Cañada College Graduates' Characteristics.
Taveau, R., Castello, J., & Gross, J. (2015). The characteristics of successful ESL students and their effect on college completion.
Gross, J. (2015). What are the characteristics of the 1.5 immgrated generation and what the college can do to support?
Castello, J. (2015). The effecte of caase management on the ESL population.
XXX. (20XX). Are our Tutoring Intervention making any impact on student success?
XXX. (2016). Are we closing any achievement gap?
XXX. (2015). Are we transforming to a Transfer Institute?
XXX. (2015). The Impact of Inruiry Model on Faculty and Staff Professional Development.
XXX. (2015). The Effect of College for Working Adults (CWA) on Student Completion.
Castello, J. (2014). The Impact of Word Jam on Student Success.
Hoffman, M. & Rana A. (2014). The Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on Student's Learning.
Price, B., Lopaz, K., Hsieh, C. (2013). Placement Study.
Bricker, L. & Price, B. (2013) University Center Study.
Grant Research/Reports
Ward, D., & ESO Team (2016). ESO Annual Progress Report.