Cost of Attendance

  • International students need at least US $32,500 per academic year to cover school and living expenses.
  • Additional funds must be available for those who plan to remain in the United States during the summer.
  • College fees are due and payable at the time of registration.

Costs are estimates based on the 2024/2025 academic year and are subject to change.
Updates to International Student Health Insurance Rate and Non-Resident Tuition & Capital Outlay Fee are effective Fall 2024.

Expenses Cost per Semester (5 months) Cost per Year
(10 months)
(12 Units @ $376 per unit)
$4,512 USD $9,024 USD
Enrollment Fee
(12 Units @ $46 per unit)
$552 USD $1,104 USD
Health Insurance (Fall: $1,075, Spring & Summer: $1,505)**
**Int’l students are required to purchase the pre-approved health insurance plan.

$1,290 USD

$2,580 USD
Living Expenses (based on 10-month home stay, shared room with meals) $6,875 USD $13,750 USD
Application Fee (non-refundable, one-time fee): $50 USD NA NA
Books and Supplies $500 USD $1,000 USD
Local Public Transportation $500 USD $1,000 USD
Miscellaneous $2,021  USD $4,042 USD
Total $16,250 USD $32,500 USD

NOTE: If you are bringing a dependent, add the following costs:

  • $5,000 first dependent
  • $2,500 each additional dependent