
This page is meant to be a how-to guide to help faculty create and maintain accessible courses in Canvas. The content in this guide follows guidelines and requirements put forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Online Education Initiative’s Course Design Rubric, and best practices endorsed by the Cañada College Disability Resource Center (DRC). Adhering to web accessibility guidelines while developing your online course will benefit all students, including those with visual, hearing, mobility and learning disabilities. Cañada instructors, the Online Education Team, and the DRC share the responsibility for delivering accessible courses to Cañada College students.

Resources for Building Accessible Documents & Courses


Explore this self-paced course for how to create accessible content in Canvas, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

Cañada College Accessibility Basics Guide


Creating Accessible Video

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that all videos shown in class, or assigned as required viewing, must be captioned, whether a student has requested captions as an accommodation or not.

Available Tools for Closed Captioning

Below are a list of video platforms that are available for faculty, staff, and students to record, edit, and publish video content.

        panopto logo Panopto
zoom logo Zoom


Closed Captioning Support Documents

Captioned Video Repositories



Students with disabilities are required to provide documentation to their instructor if they need accommodations. This documentation should be in the form of a DRC Accommodation Memo. Instructors are responsible for working with the student and the DRC to create the needed accommodations unless the accommodations needed would result in a fundamental alteration to the course. Typical accommodations include extra time on exams, a note taker, the use of recording equipment to record lectures, and/or a distraction-free environment for exams.

DRC staff develop accommodation plans with individual students who present appropriate documentation, but faculty are also strongly encouraged to talk with students seeking accommodations to brainstorm what will work best for the student and for the instructor. It is always a good idea to check in with the student after major assignments to see if the strategies are working, or if adjustments need to be made. For more information about student accomodations, please visit the Cañada DRC Student Accomodations page.

Additional Information