Instructional Support Sessions

All support sessions are held in the Faculty Teaching and Learning Center and Lounge (FTLCL) located in building 9, room 154 and via Zoom (multi-modal format). Most sessions are recorded and can be viewed at your leisure.

Search session using Command + F (Mac) and Control + F (PC).

Upcoming Sessions

March 5, 2-3 pm In Person and via Zoom 

Conversations with Colleagues: How Not to Be an Accidental Pirate: Fair Use and Your Course Materials

Organizer/Presenter/Facilitator:  Sarah Harmon and Carlos Luna

In-person:  9-154

Virtual: Zoom at  (registration required)

Description: Many educators have heard of Fair Use with respect to their course materials. But what does that really mean? Join Sarah Harmon (OER/ZTC Coordinator) and Carlos Luna (Librarian) for an updated version of this presentation on Fair Use and your course materials. Learn about what you can and can't do with respect to sharing materials with your students, and learn about various open-source and library-based resources that provide better options. While this presentation is initially geared to Cañada College faculty and staff, we encourage everyone to join us, as the information is relevant to all course materials everywhere.

Agenda: Provided at meeting

Intended Audience:  All faculty

March 19, 2-3 pm In Person and via Zoom 

Conversations with Colleagues- Designing Hybrid Classwork for Face-to-Face Classes with an Online Component

Organizer/Presenter/Facilitator:  Doniella Maher

In-person:  9-154

Virtual: Zoom at

Description: Do you have a face-to-face class that also has a hybrid component?  Have you been interested in teaching one? How can you design assignments that are meaningful for students and connected to the in-person class? Come share ideas with other faculty who teach similarly structured classes.

Agenda: Provided at meeting

Intended Audience:  All faculty

March 27, 3-5pm In person and Via Zoom

Conversations with Colleagues: Honors Pod Session 3

Organizer/Presenter/Facilitators: Rebekah Taveau and Ray Lapuz

In Person: FTLCL 9-154


Agenda: Q & A and Student Case Study Interview Presentations with Sarah Harmon (Spanish) and Julie Luu (Biology)

Audience: All current and prospective Honors faculty

Topic/Training Tuesdays

How can you give your students meaningful feedback that they engage with and use to learn? How can you do it in larger classes? Come share your ideas in a discussion about how we can balance giving feedback and making it count. What has worked for you? What do you want to try. How can CANVAS or other technology help? Everyone is welcome, so please come, even if you just want to hear what others are doing.  We will have tea and snacks and an hour of sharing ideas.

If you’d like a chance to better understand how students might be using AI tools in your classes, hear how fellow faculty are addressing AI use in their classes, or share what you’re already trying out it when it comes to AI, then please join us for this session! All are welcome, and please bring your questions, ideas and suggestions to share.

Do you want to provide your students with a space for effective peer-to-peer interaction and learning in your classes? Having trouble reaching students with your current communication method? Meet your students where they're at! Join this session to learn more about Pronto, Cañada College's communication platform fully integrated with Canvas. We will focus on the basics and how to take engagement and student success to the next level. You will be able to access Pronto in both Canvas and the mobile app and have an understanding of how Pronto is set up, along with best practices for getting started!


Access the recording here!

Passcode: A*t7h1mR

Conversation with Colleagues/Workshop Wednesdays

February 27, 3-5pm In person and Via Zoom

Conversations with Colleagues: Honors Pod Session 2

Organizer/Presenter/Facilitators: Rebekah Taveau and Ray Lapuz

In Person: FTLCL 9-154


Agenda: Working with Honors Dual CRNS and Helping Honors Contract Students finish their Honors Contract Proposals

Audience: All current and prospective Honors faculty


Learn more about peer-to-peer interactions and student-to-instructor interactions in Canvas! We'll breakdown the timeline for the ACCJC Review of Regular Substantive Interaction in your online courses. We will review the RSI rubric and define the meaning of each criteria on that rubric.

Access the recording for Ensuring Regular and Substantive Contact

Watch via Zoom

Zoom Meeting Recording Link

Passcode: nEe!9=R!

Come join a discussion about designing successful and meaningful peer to peer assignments. We can share our best ideas and take away new ones.

Watch the Zoom Recording for Designing Asynchronous Peer to Peer Assignments

Passcode: Gc3d1q#r

Microaggressions are subtle or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group(s) that are linked to systems of oppression. Theater of the Oppressed allows us to role play, discuss, and practice interrupting oppressive situations. This interactive workshop will specifically focus on microaggression scenarios that can (and have!) happened in our classrooms and workspaces, and give us space to unpack and practice how we can interrupt the situations so that students and faculty feel safe, seen, and heard. Microaggressions can create a hostile or discriminatory environment in our college community and can negatively affect brain chemistry with long term effects on cognition. So let’s practice how to interrupt and even avoid them! 


Access the recording for Disrupting Microaggressions in the Classroom

Passcode: 8@a4n5vR

Check out archived Trainings and Conversations with Colleagues in Cañada's Teaching Resource Repository.


Have a suggestion for a upcoming Teaching and Learning Session?

Contact the Faculty Teaching & Learning Coordinator

Doniella Maher (Associate Professor)

Humanities and Social Sciences - English