Job Searches, Resources, and Internships
- - Search for seasonal positions or post a resume.
- BackDoor Jobs - Short ter adventures: Internships, Seasonal, Volunteer Abroad
- - is a San Francisco area job resource for students entering the job market
- CalCPA - Student resources for accounting and business students. Free Membership!
- California job service: CalJobs - EDD site that offers job prep, job listings, and info on job fairs and events
- - Create a free caregiver profile and apply for local jobs
- Career Builder
- Career Girls: Career exploration with Role Model Videos of diverse women.
- CraigsList
- Cybersecurity Guide - Veterans & General Information
- EmploymentCrossing
- - Guide to public service careers
- Indeed: The number one jobs search engine
- JobHero: Nice website for helping with bullet point descriptions for your resume and career related information.
- LinkedIn: Great Job Search Tool
- M1 Support Services: Government services contractor, provides a variety of professional, technical, and maintenance services to the Department of Defense and other government agencies.
- Job & Internship Search Engine
- Paralegal411
- Radiology Jobs
- Seeking Sitters – We do all the work for you!
- SimplyHired - Good Search Engine for Students and Grads.
- Snag A Job
- Stanford Park Nannies
- UrbanSitter - Find babysitting jobs through parents and friends you know
- **NEW** Wander Jobs - Is a job board for travelers looking to live an adventurous lifestyle. The companies that post jobs all provide employee housing, and most provide three hot meals per day. These jobs are different because they foster a strong sense of community and love of nature.
- ZipRecruiter - ZipRecruiter has one of the largest Job Boards in the U.S.
- Aftercollege: Find Your First Job or Internship with AfterCollege
- FARO: Imaging Company, 3D Technology
- Idealist: Volunteer, Internships, Jobs
- Inroads: Do you have what it takes to be an Inroads Intern?
- Internweb
- LinkedIn: Internship search tool. Search by Zip Code or location.
- San Mateo County Internship Program - Open to College Students
- WayUp
- Allstate California training
- Amazon
- Bank of America
- The Boeing Company
- Capital One
- Chenega
- Chevron
- Comcast
- Dell
- Dynacorp
- Farmers Insurance
- First Command Financial
- General Dynamics
- Helmets to Hardhats
- Hertz
- Johnson Controls
- Lockheed Martin
- Magellan Professional Solutions
- Marriott
- Raytheon
- Rockwell Collins
- Sharp Decisions
- Silent Professionals
- Veterans Sourcing Group
- Vet Force
- Vets in Tech
- Windstream
- American Camping Association - A great resource for summer camps
- Camp Jobs by KidsCamps
- CampChannel
- Cool Summer Jobs
- CoolWorks
- Summer Jobs - Summer jobs and seasonal staff positions with camps, amusement parks, resorts etc..