Cañada College STEM Center includes the Math, Engineering & Science Achievement (MESA) Program and is 1 of 96 MESA Community College program sites in California.
The MESA Community College Program supports students to successfully transfer to four-year universities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) majors. To qualify to be a MESA participant, students must be educationally disadvantaged. This includes being the first in their family to go to college, attending a low-performing high school, coming from a low socioeconomic background, and other factors. The MESA Community College Program is a partnership between the MESA’s Statewide Office and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. It is funded by the State of California’s budget via the Fund for Student Success.
MESA Main Components
AEW Study Sessions
Students work with peer tutors on how to successfully master complex technical concepts and principles through a collaborative approach.
Academic advising/counseling
Students receive individualized academic guidance and develop multi-year plans so they can take courses in the most effective sequence and transfer in a timely manner.
Student study center
This dedicated multipurpose space at the STEM Center is the hub for study, workshops, clubs, special activities, and information sharing. It is a key element in building a close learning community.
Assistance in the transfer process
MESA provides counseling, workshops, and visits to four-year universities.
Career development
Students learn specifics about various STEM majors and careers. Industry mentors, job shadowing opportunities, internships, scholarships, and field trips to companies are also offered.
Links with student and professional organizations
These resources support student clubs, provide mentors, STEM speakers, and industry connections.
Professional development
Through workshops and mock job fairs, students learn soft skills, corporate culture, resume writing, and interviewing skills. MESA conferences include a fall MESA Industry/Student Professional Development Conference, MESA Student Leadership Retreat, MESA/CISCO Mentoring program, and more.
Industry partnerships
The MESA program offers valuable connections between students and industry leaders. Corporate representatives, including MESA alumni, provide strategic planning, mentoring, summer internships, field trips, and other resources.
For More Information
Please contact our MESA Director, Rance Bobo.
Rance Bobo (Project Directory MESA)
Academic Support and Learning Technologies - Division OfficeSumathi Shankar (Professor)
Science and Technology - MathematicsSandra Rodrigues (STEM Counselor)
Student Services - Counseling