Educational Master Planning Process

Educational Master Planning Process: 2021-22

EMP Task Force members

Task Force Tri-Chairs

  • David Eck, Academic Senate President
  • Roslind Young, Classified Senate President
  • Karen Engel, Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation & Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer

Faculty Members

  • Humanities and Social Sciences Division Rep:  Alicia Aguirre
  • Business, Design and Workforce Division Rep:  Leonor Cabrera
  • Science and Technology Division Rep:  TBD
  • Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance Division Rep:  Eddy Harris
  • Counseling Division Rep:  Jenna French

Classified Staff Representatives

  • Outreach & Welcome Center Rep:  Jeanne Stalker
  • Classified Rep At Large (and GP Success Teams):  Nimsi Garcia
  • Transfer Services Rep:  Mary Ho
  • Instructional Division Rep:  Krystal Martinez
  • Instructional Technologist:  Allison Hughes

Student Representatives

  • Mira Rubio
  • Brittney Samora-Delgadillo


  • Dean of Business, Design & Workforce:  Hyla Lacefield
  • Dean of Enrollment Services and Student Support:  Wissem Bennani

Staff Support:  The Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness will provide staff support, research, analysis and writing throughout the process 

EMP draft planning process and opportunities for involvement (meetings take place from 8:30 - 10:00 a.m.).  For meeting information please contact Dean Engel.

All members of the college community are invited to participate throughout the process.  Most meetings will be held on Zoom.  The Zoom links are contained in the meeting agendas.

Date Topic Materials
April 14, 2021 EMP Task Force Kick-off Meeting
April 28, 2021 Evaluation of the 2017-22 Educational Master Plan
  Summer Break  
August 11-12, 2021 College Leadership Retreat
August 13, 2021 College Flex Day
September 1, 2021 EMP Task Force re-convenes
September 8, 2021 Virtual Planning Institute:  Part I 8:00-10:30 am  
September 10, 2021 Virtual Planning Institute:  Part II 1:00-3:30 pm  
September 15, 2021 Virtual Planning Institute:  Part III 8:00-10:30 am  
September 17, 2021 Virtual Planning Institute:  Part IV 1:00-3:30 pm  
September 29, 2021 College Mission, Vision and Values, part 1
October 6, 2021 College Mission, Vision and Values, part 2
October 13, 2021 - Flex Day College-wide forum on the EMP
October 20, 2021 Internal Scan - part 1
November 3, 3021 Internal Scan - part 2
November 17, 2021 Internal Scan - part 3
December 1, 2021 Environmental "External" Scan - part 1
  Winter Break  
January 13, 2022 College Flex Day - present revised Mission, Vision, Values
January 26, 2022

Considering the recommendations from Ase Power Consult;

External Scan - part 2

February 2, 2022 Preparing for the Community Forum

February 11, 2022

1-3 p.m.

Community Forum Provide input on strategic issues facing the College over the next 5 years by Feb. 28, 2022
March 2, 2022 Prepare for final strategic planning Retreat on March 11, 2022

March 11, 2022

In person in 6-101/102 and online (see agenda)

8:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Educational Master Planning Retreat
March 23, 2022 Finalize EMP Draft 1 
April 6, 2022 Review feedback and finalize first complete for cirulcation.  Task Force gathers constituent feedback by April 20.
April 7, 2022 Division Meetings review the draft EMP  
April 13, 2022 Student Services Planning Council reviews the draft EMP
April 15, 2022 Instructional Planning Council reviews the draft EMP
  • IPC Minutes
April 20, 2022 Task Force finalize second Draft to share at Flex Day
April 21, 2022 College Flex Day all-college session on the Education Master Plan
May 4 2022 PBC to adopt new EMP for 2022-27
June 22, 2022 SMCCCD Board of Trustees approves new EMP for 2022-27


Drafts of the College's Mission, Vision, Values, Goals Statements and Strategies during the Planning Process in 2021-22 can be found here.

Education Master Planning Process and Timeline 2021-22


 EMP Planning Process Archive: 2016-17

  • Case Management with A2B Retention Specialist
  • A2B Counselor
  • Masters-level academic tutoring
  • Peer mentoring
  • Major-related workshops
  • Speaker series
  • Major-specific developmental research support
  • Specialized library services
  • Audit upper division University Center courses
  • And much more...
- See more at: