Special Events
Join Us - Social Sciences Open Study Hall with Cocoa & Cookies!
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
9-307 (Social Sciences Hub)
Study independently, but in community with others. Wednesday afternoons, Nov. 13 - Dec. 4. Social Sciences faculty will be on-hand to answer questions. Computers & free printing. Choose comfortable lounge seating or tables & desks. Easy Access to Library, Learning Center, and Writing Center. Plenty of hot cocoa and cookies to keep you going!
Teas; TOIs:Topics of Interest; 'We ♥ Social Sciences'
Social Sciences Hub: Bldg 9-307
The Social Sciences offer a variety of special events and extracurricular activities in order to better educate and empower students of all disciplines about all of our collected social studies and careers. Come chat with, meet, and have snacks with professors and special guests at one of our upcoming events!
For any questions, please email:CanSocialSciences@smccd.edu
Past Events