Policies, Procedures and Fees

Facilities Use: Policies and Procedures

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Facilities Use: Policies and Procedures 

Pursuant to Educational Code 82537-82548, the governing board of any community college district may grant the use of college facilities or grounds for public, literary, scientific, recreational, educational, or public agency meetings, or for the discussion of matters of general or public interest upon terms and conditions which the Board deems proper, and subject to the limitations, requirements, and restrictions set forth in this document. 

Facility Use Authorization

Pursuant to San Mateo County Community College District Board Policy 8.80 Community Use of District Facilities, the use of college facilities by outside groups shall be for short-term and temporary needs. Short-term is defined as no longer than one academic semester at a time.


Application must be completed 45 days prior to the date of use.

Categories of Rental

  1. Student clubs and organizations are encouraged to utilize facility resources at Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College. Facility requests must be made by club advisors or campus representatives. Club advisors or campus representatives must be present in the building when the facilities are in use. Student clubs and organizations that are approved by the governing board of the District, and campus sponsored events are exempt from charges as stipulated below.
    • Hourly facility rental fee
    • Specialized equipment usage fee
  2. Student clubs and organizations, and campus sponsored events are responsible for the following fees:
    • Direct costs for all labor including but not limited to, custodial and grounds personnel, pool technicians, lifeguards, Audio Visual and Technology, theatre support, and public safety.


  1. Organizations (excluding churches and religious groups), clubs, associations, and other public agencies organized for general character building or welfare purposes. Documentation of legal non-profit status from the Internal Revenue Service must be provided to qualify. The following must be paid:
    • Facility Use Application Fee, Administrative Fee and Deposit
    • Hourly non-profit rental fee
    • Use of specialized equipment
    • Direct fees for custodial, grounds, on-site supervisor, pool technicians, lifeguards, Audio Visual and Technology, theatre support, and public safety will be applied.
  2. Conditions of Non-Profit Discount: Non-profit organizations having fundraising entertainment or meetings where admission fees are charged or contributions, or any type of donation, are solicited must be for the benefit of the students of the San Mateo County Community College District, otherwise the for-profit fee schedule applies to the facilities use contract. 
  1. The governing board may charge an amount not to exceed its direct labor costs and fair rental value of college facilities and grounds under its control for activities other than those specified above. The following must be paid: 
    • Hourly for-profit rental fee
    • Use of specialized equipment
    • Direct fees for custodial, grounds, on-site supervisor, pool technicians, lifeguards, Audio Visual, ETS, theatre support, and public safety will be applied
The American Red Cross or other public agencies may use District facilities, grounds, and equipment for mass care and welfare shelters during disasters or other emergencies affecting the public health and welfare. The District will cooperate with these agencies in furnishing and maintaining services deemed by the Board of Trustees to be necessary to meet the needs of the community. The District may enter into written agreements with these agencies to memorialize such arrangements


A 10% commission on fees collected by the Permittee will be paid to the institution


100% of estimated fees required with return of contract.

Cancellation Penalty

If event is cancelled by Permittee with less than 30 days notice, the following penalties apply and are due to the district:  20-29 Prior business days notice: 60% of event total; 15-19 Prior business days notice,75% of event total; 0-14 prior business days notice: 100% of event total.  If event is cancelled by Permitee 30 or more days prior to event, 10% of the deposit, with a minimum of $20, is non-refundable.


All user groups must provide a certificate of insurance with limits acceptable to the District. The Applicant-Requestor must procure and maintain liability coverage and name the District as an additional insured as specified in the form Appendix I.  Please note the following requirements: a) San Mateo County Community College District needs to be listed as the certificate holder and additionally insured; b) the address on the certificate needs to be 3401 CSM Drive, San Mateo, CA 94402. 


The Permittee using District Facilities agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend in accordance with Civil Code §2778, the District, its Board of Trustees, officers, agents, employees and representatives from all claims, lawsuits or actions of every name, kind and description, brought for, or on account of injuries to or death of any person, including user or any employee, agent, or invitee of Permittee, or damage to property including intangible property and to whomsoever belonging, where such injuries, death or damages occurred in, upon, or due to user’s use of the District’s Facilities, provided that this indemnity obligation shall not apply to injuries for which District has been found in a court of competent jurisdiction to be solely  liable by reason of its own negligence.

Damage to Facilities

The Permittee is liable for the care and protection of District Facilities and will be charged for any damages sustained to the Facilities because of the occupancy of District Facilites by Permittee.

Availability of Facilities

This agreement shall be considered as a reasonable guarantee from the District to the Permittee that the Facilities will be available for use as specified.  Should Facilities be needed on an emergency basis for instruction or instruction-related purposes, the College reserves the right to reassign space or to cancel the contract up to forty-eight hours preceding the scheduled event. (Alternative space will be provided by College).  District reserves the right cancel this agreement at its sole discretion in the event of a local emergency or disaster where Facilities are needed for emergency operations activities.


For parking information view the Cañada College Parking Permits webpage. Campus parking regulations will be enforced for visitors and students. Reserved parking is not included in the use of college facilities. If an outside group or organization is interested in securing reserved parking for their event, the Applicant-Requestor must notify the Facilities Rental Coordinator at least 60 days in advance which allows enough time for the request to be reviewed and coordinated with college operations and other scheduled events. 

Food Consumption and Vending Policy:

Allowable Options and Restrictions

District’s Authorized Food Services Provider: 

College catering is made possible by the District’s authorized contractor, Redwood Culinary Services (formerly Pacific Dining Services), and whenever possible, an outside party should contact Pacific Dining for a non-binding food services quote. The Facilities Rental Coordinator will notify Redwood Culinary Services of any upcoming events that require food service or the Applicant-Requestor may contact them directly at: 

Redwood Culinary Services, Inc. 
P.O. Box 6789 
San Mateo, CA 94403 

Unless the food is “pre-boxed” and is sealed for distribution, in order to adhere to the procedures defined in the California Retail Food Code, a licensed caterer must be onsite for the event to serve. To minimize food contamination, all caterers are required to provide the following documentation two weeks prior to the event start date. 

  1. Evidence of a current Environmental Health Inspection Certificate
  2. Certificate of Insurance and an Additional Insured Endorsement for the following coverages and limits: 
    • General liability insurance in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate
    • Auto liability insurance in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate
  3. If the catering company has employees on site, evidence of worker’s compensation insurance must be provided with statutory limits

Food Trucks must receive approval of their parking location from the Facilities Rental Coordinator and Public Safety Department a minimum of five (5) days prior to the event start date. To minimize food contamination, food-truck caterers are required to provide the following documentation two weeks prior to the event start date. 

  1. Evidence of a current Environmental Health Inspection Certificate
  2. Certificate of Insurance and an Additional Insured Endorsement for the following coverages and limits: 
    • General liability insurance in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate
    • Auto liability insurance in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate
    • If the food truck caterer has employees on site, evidence of worker’s compensation insurance must be provided with statutory limits
In accordance with California Retail Food Code, if an Applicant-Requestor wants to vend food, all items must be pre-packaged and fully sealed by the food manufacturer


SMCCCD Facility Rental Fees

Reserve an Event Space Form

To reserve a Facility, please visit our "Reserve a Facility - Forms" webpage. There you will be able to fill-out the correct form according to your space, accommodation, and location needs. 

Reserve a Facility - Forms Webpage