ISER Drafts

Drafts of the College's Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) will be shared here during the 2024-25 academc year.

These drafts are open for college and community members to review and comment. These drafts will coincide with the Planning & Budgeting Council's ISER preparation timeline. The ISER Writing Team will gather feedback and incorporate it into the next draft.

Standard 1 Draft for College-wide Accreditation Town Hall on October 9, 2024

Standard 2 Draft for College-wide Accreditation Town-Hall on October 9, 2024

Please free to make suggestions in each file. If you would also like to submit evidence for either Standard, please email Dean Engel. Thank you.


Next dates for publicly available drafts:

January 10, 2024 ISER PARTIAL DRAFT #2 for College-wide Accreditation Work Session

February 10, 2024 COMPLETE ISER FIRST DRAFT for review by College Councils, Senates, Committees & Community Members

March 15, 2024 COMPLETE ISER SECOND DRAFT for review by College Councils, Senates, Committees & Community Members

May 7, 2024 COMPLETE ISER DRAFT for approval by the Planning & Budgeting Council