Midterm Report
2023 Midterm Report
During the 2022-23 Academic Year, Cañada College prepared a 2023 Midterm Report to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) which it submitted on October 6, 2023.
On January 16, 2024, the College received an official letter from the ACCJC indicating that, upon its review, the Commission determined the College has made appropriate progress in implementing its plans and improving outcomes related to student achievement. The Commission acknowledged the College’s commitment to improvement as it continues its efforts in the best interests of its students.
To facilitate the College's work on this Midterm Report, the College Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) adopted the following timeline for preparing a Midterm Report for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC):
In accordance with the January 27, 2020 official letter from the Accrediting Commission reaffirming the College's Accreditation for a period of seven years, Cañada will
submit a Midterm Report to the Commission no later than October 15, 2023. Per ACCJC Guidance, institutions are required to submit a Midterm Report in the 4th year of their comprehensive
peer review cycle. In the Midterm Report, the institution:
- provides an update on how it has integrated improvement plans arising from the self- evaluation into its ongoing planning and implementation processes;
- addresses work accomplished in response to the improvement recommendations affirmed by the Commission in its Action Letter
- reflects on actions it has taken to improve institutional performance related to student learning outcomes and institution-set standards;
- reflects on fiscal health and indicates actions taken to improve conditions (if applicable); and
- reports on the progress and outcomes from the action projects identified in its most recent Quality Focus Essay (described in the ISER).
For more information about Cañada College's accreditation status or processes, please contact Dr. Karen Engel, Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation & Effectiveness (PRIE) and Accreditation Liaison Officer.