Interest Areas

Science & Health

Science & Health | Interest Area | Cañada College

Do you like to solve problems, tackle environmental issues, design machines and systems, or improve health and people’s lives in your community? Studying the sciences and human biology can help us produce medicines, deliver healthcare, improve the environment, and develop innovative technologies that improve our lives. Degrees in these fields lead to careers as engineers, scientists, radiologic technologists, fitness trainers, dieticians, environmental educators, and medical assistants, among many other options.

Plan your upcoming semester and explore career paths!

Ideally used before a student applies because they need to choose an interest area when they apply.

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Meet your Success Team


Ameer Thompson (Dean, Science and Technology)

Science and Technology - Division Office

Kathleen Sullivan-Torrez (Dean & Athletic Director)

Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance - Division Office

Lead Faculty

David Monarres (Assistant Professor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Counseling Division

Sandra Rodrigues (STEM Counselor)

Student Services - Counseling

Retention Specialist

Jaqueline Gonzalez (Retention Specialist)

Academic Support and Learning Technologies - Learning Center

Learning Center (ASLT) - Peer Mentors

Cañada Learning Center (Canada Learning Center)

Academic Support and Learning Technologies - Learning Center