Career Outlook
Paralegal work is intellectually challenging and offers a unique opportunity to help others while gaining respect as a legal professional. Demand for paralegals is growing as the population requires more legal services and paralegals take on more work formerly carried out by lawyers. The number of paralegal jobs in California is expected to increase by 20.1 percent, or 5,400 jobs, between 2010 and 2020 according to the Employment Development Department.
Read more on the California Occupational Guide for Paralegals and the Detailed California Guide for Paralegals and Legal Assistants.
Jobs: Looking or Hiring?
Looking for a Job/Internship? Looking to hire a Cañada College paralegal student as an intern or employee?
Paralegal Students: please click on the following link, https://canadacollege-csm.symplicity.com/, and follow the prompts to establish a free account and then view job openings.
Potential Employers of Paralegal Students: please click on the following link, https://canadacollege-csm.symplicity.com/, follow the prompts to post jobs or internships.