In the News

Dreamworks Animator to Discuss Careers in Computer Animation

Mon, 10 March, 2014 at 7:32 am in Art, Computerscience, Engineering, Mathematics Milana Huang, character technical director at Dreamworks Animation, will discuss careers in computer animation at this week’s Cañada College STEM Speaker Series. Huang’s lecture is titled, more

STEM Speaker Series: Polina Segalova

Wed, 26 February, 2014 at 7:24 am in Engineering, Featured, Mathematics, Science, Stemcenter Polina Segalova, a senior design engineer at Stryker Endoscopy, will be featured at the STEM Speaker Series lecture on Wednesday, Feb. 26. The lecture will be held from 5 to 6 pm in Building 6, more

San Francisco Leader Emilio Cruz to Lecture at STEM Speaker Series

Thu, 13 February, 2014 at 1:22 pm in Engineering, Mathematics Emilio Cruz, former Chief of Staff to San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and current Assistant General Manager for Infrastructure at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, will be the next more

STEM Speaker Series: How to Land a Tech Internship

Fri, 31 January, 2014 at 9:10 am in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Featured, Mathematics, Stemcenter The Spring STEM Speaker Series kicks off with a discussion on how to land a meaningful tech internship. It will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 5 in Building 6, Room 102. Held in both the fall and more

Math Jam to Receive Exemplary Program Award

Fri, 3 January, 2014 at 12:16 pm in Featured, Future Students, Honors, Mathematics The highly successful Math Jam program at Cañada College will receive the Exemplary Program Award from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. The award will be more

Take a Survey, Win a $150 Amazon Gift Certificate!

Fri, 25 October, 2013 at 11:42 am in CBOT, Communication Studies, Early Childhood Education, Engineering, ESL, History, Mathematics, Phi Theta Kappa, Political Science, Psychology How would you like to win a $150 Amazon gift card just in time for the holiday season? Cañada College wants to hear from you. We'd like to invite you to participate in a survey about how you use more

Christian Rodriguez Uses Cañada as a Stepping Stone to a UC Davis Engineering Degree

Mon, 21 October, 2013 at 7:46 am in Alumni, Engineering, Featured, Mathematics, Studentexperiences Rodriguez at UC Davis graduation Like many high school graduates, Redwood City’s Christian Rodriguez found the financial obstacles to attending college daunting. He was accepted into several more

Math Jam is Honored as America's Top Program at Increasing Latino Student Success in College

Tue, 1 October, 2013 at 7:28 am in Featured, Mathematics, Studentexperiences Elected officials and higher education leaders from across the country came together at the Liaison Capitol Hill hotel in Washington, D.C., today to honor the Math Jam program at Cañada College more

Two Cañada Students Earn Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship

Tue, 13 August, 2013 at 7:28 am in Biology, Chemistry, Featured, Mathematics, Science, Studentexperiences Cañada College students Adriana Fernandez and Rita Melgar have received the Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship.   Adriana Fernandez The Chicana/Latina Foundation is based in more

Po Tong Hired to Teach Mathematics at Cañada College

Thu, 18 July, 2013 at 2:24 pm in Engineering, Featured, Mathematics Po Tong, a veteran of the electronics industry, has been hired to teach mathematics at Cañada College. He will join the Science & Technology Division as a full-time faculty member in August. more

Cañada Professor Earns Best Paper Award at Engineering Conference

Mon, 15 July, 2013 at 10:06 am in Astrology, Biology, Engineering, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics The presentation outlined a successful summer research internship at the school In 2011, Professor Enriquez (fourth from left) was honored  by President Obama for his mentoring activities. more

Cañada College Robotics Team Finishes Sixth at National Competition

Wed, 10 July, 2013 at 8:14 am in Engineering, Future Students, Mathematics, Studentexperiences The Colts entered the competition as underdogs, but performed well  Cañada team members prepare Roush for competition The Cañada Robotics Team traveled to Atlanta, Georgia in late more

Workshop Focuses on STEM Careers in Government and Non-Profits

Tue, 9 July, 2013 at 12:32 pm in Biological Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Science Learn About Various Careers and Internship Opportunities  Cañada College and the United States Department of Agriculture Hispanic Serving Institutions National Program present the 2nd more

Cañada Alum Esther Chan is Researching Sustainable Energy at UC San Diego

Fri, 10 May, 2013 at 12:47 pm in Alumni, Engineering, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics, Science, Studentexperiences The Former Woodside High School Graduate is Researching Material for a Stretchable Solar Cell Cañada College alum Esther Chan has received a grant from the California Institute for more

Cañada is Adding Online Courses This Summer

Wed, 8 May, 2013 at 8:31 am in Anthropology, Astrology, English, Featured, History, Math, Mathematics, Philosophy New online courses in Anthropology, Astronomy, Computer Information Science, English, History, Philosophy, and Math will be introduced this summer at Cañada College. Summer classes begin June 17 more

Cañada College Student Ernest Frimpong Chosen for Prestigious Internship

Wed, 17 April, 2013 at 1:48 pm in Biological Sciences, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics, Physical Sciences Frimpong will conduct research at SRI International in Menlo Park   Ernest Frimpong Cañada College student Ernest Frimpong has been chosen to participate in the prestigious Research more

Cañada Students to Present Research at Engineering Conference

Wed, 17 April, 2013 at 7:40 am in Engineering, Featured, Mathematics Jesus Garcia More than a dozen current and former Cañada College students will be presenting original research at this year's American Society for Engineering Education Pacific Southwest more

Learn About the Different Majors at Cañada College April 17

Fri, 12 April, 2013 at 7:53 am in Accounting, Anthropology, Biology, Business Administration, Chemical Laboratory Technology, Communication Studies, Featured, Mathematics What's a major? Why is it necessary to declare a major? What does it take to complete the major from start to finish? These and other questions will be answered at the first annual Cañada College more

Math Jam Program Honored with J. Russell Kent Award

Tue, 2 April, 2013 at 10:55 am in Biology, Featured, Mathematics Professor Michael Hoffman and Amanda Pitts Cañada's Math Jam Program will receive a J. Russell Kent Award from the San Mateo County School Boards Association at a special ceremony on more

Cañada College Student Chosen for Prestigious Internship at Brookhaven National Lab

Fri, 15 March, 2013 at 11:13 am in Engineering, Featured, Mathematics Fidel Salgado will be working in the computer technology department this summer. Cañada College student Fidel Salgado has been chosen to participate in a summer internship at Brookhaven more

Cañada MESA Students Team Up with Cisco for Mentor Program

Thu, 14 March, 2013 at 10:35 am in Biological Sciences, Computer Information Science, Engineering, Featured, Mathematics MESA students will gain insight and knowledge from Cisco employees during a new mentor program.  Six Cañada students will participate in a Cisco mentorship program. Six MESA ( more

A Love of Robots Has Resulted in a Summer Internship for Cañada’s Omar Arriaga

Tue, 12 March, 2013 at 10:49 am in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Featured, Math, Mathematics, Science Arriaga will be studying how to control robots from a distance at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center San Mateo High School graduate Omar Arriaga has always loved building robots. That more

Ismael Barragan: From Cañada to a Future Career in Medicine

Mon, 4 March, 2013 at 9:29 am in Biological Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Featured, Math, Mathematics, Physical Sciences Barragan Recently Finished the UC Davis School of Medicine Postbaccalaureate Program     Ismael Barragan grew up in Redwood City, graduated from Menlo-Atherton High School, and recently more

Cañada Students to Present Research on Nano Electronics at National Conference

Wed, 20 February, 2013 at 7:49 am in Computer Information Science, Engineering, Featured, Mathematics, Middle College, Physics Three engineering students studied the performance degradation of integrated circuits due to aging transistors Three Cañada College engineering students will present original research on more

Cañada College Introduces African Wasp to Help Control the Olive Fruit Fly

Wed, 13 February, 2013 at 12:01 pm in Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Chemical Laboratory Technology, Chemistry, Featured, History, Mathematics The campus is the only location in the state where the wasp has returned two consecutive years.     A small African wasp that is the natural enemy of the olive fruit fly appears to be more

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