Community F.I.R.S.T.
What is Community F.I.R.S.T.?
Community F.I.R.S.T. (First Generation Increasing Retention, Success and Transfer)
is a student-run club open to all students on campus to be involved and supporting
first generation
college students at Cañada. We organize campus events such as movie nights, workshops,
and activities to raise campus awareness and build a supportive community for first
college students and allies.
We also host fundraisers to provide book vouchers for mentees in Bridge to Opportunities
Peer Mentorship Program, and we continue to collaborate with other student clubs.
Dates: Fall 2019 TBD
Time: Fall 2019 TBD
Location: Fall 2019 TBD
How to get involved
You can get involved by joining our meetings on the above posted dates and signing
as a member to receive updates on our activities and planning ideas.
Contact: Candice Johnson (advisor)