Meet the Faculty

Faculty List

Michael Hoffman (Professor & Umoja Program Faculty)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Raymond Lapuz (Professor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

David Monarres (Assistant Professor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Sumathi Shankar (Professor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Michelle Beatty (Associate Professor)

Math|Science - Math

Teresa Bittner (Adjunct Instructor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Judy Choy (Instructor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Adam Fahey (Adjunct Faculty )

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Vera Klimkovsky (Instructor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Hongyan Meng (Instructor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Nimalini Thananjeyan (Math Jam Instructor)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Radu Toma (Adjunct Faculty)

Science and Technology - Mathematics

Theresa Zemla (Adjunct Faculty)

Science and Technology - Mathematics