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JAMs Event Calendar    JAMs Reminder Form

The JAMs Event Calendar will show all upcoming JAM workshops and events. You can use the JAMs Reminder Form to sign up for email notifications about upcoming JAM workshops and events related to your course.

Math JAM

The Learning Center Math Jam Program at Cañada College offers students the opportunity to better prepare for their current and future math courses by providing "just-in-time" support for Math classes with targeted workshops, tutor led study groups, and course specific exam review sessions throughout the semester. It is an engaging, interactive experience guided by instructors and tutors, with the goal of giving students the tools and preparation they need to complete the requirements for an Associates Degree or transfer to a 4-year university.

Math JAM will:

  • Better prepare students for their current and future math classes
  • Connect students with math faculty, tutors, and peers
  • Connect students to academic resources and services


Full Semester Math JAM Flyer

Current Math JAM Workshop Flyer


Math JAM Resouces

Below you'll find links to worksheets and recordings of Math JAM workshops. Multiple recordings on the same topic will be fairly similar.

Physics JAM

Students seeking support for upcoming Physics courses may find tutoring or Math JAM beneficial and can check out the Cañada College tutoring page for tutor schedules or the Math JAM section above for information about upcoming workshops. 

Physics JAM provides a physics curriculum with the goal of giving students the tools and preparation they need for their physics courses. 

  • You'll refresh yourself on the specific math concepts that you'll be using in your upcoming course.
  • You'll learn valuable study skills to help you tackle new problems and concepts.
  • You'll have access to physics tutors and instructors invested in your success.
  • You'll get introduced to some of the physics concepts that you'll learn in the first few weeks of your physics course.
  • You'll get to see some awesome physics videos and have the reasoning explained!
  • Students who participate in Physics Jam are more successful in their subsequent physics course than colleagues that do not participate in the program.
  • Have fun while learning new concepts and preparing for your semester.
  • As a member of physics jam, you'll have access to a complete set of recommended videos and examples that you can use for the entire semester!

Chemistry JAM

Students seeking support for upcoming Chemistry courses may find tutoring or Math JAM beneficial and can check out the Cañada College tutoring page for tutor schedules or the Math JAM section above for information about upcoming workshops.