
In the News

Student Success Story: Interior Design Alum, Alina Halloran

Thu, 23 August, 2018 at 11:41 am in Student Success, Interior Design, Business Design and Workforce, Alumni Student Success Story: Interior Design Alum, Alina Halloran Alina Halloran has been involved in creative fields for most of her adult life, and understands the impact that functional and ...read more

Spotlight on Cañada: Arshia Zameni, AutoCAD Professor - Interior Design Department

Tue, 21 August, 2018 at 10:49 am in Featured, Interior Design, Business Design and Workforce Spotlight on Cañada:  Arshia Zameni, AutoCAD Professor  - Interior Design Department Arshia is an Interior Designer and architect, but most importantly art enthusiast, wit...read more

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