Medical Services
Student Health Services are available to all enrolled Cañada College students and provides health care services, referral services and educational information related to health issues. Symptoms are evaluated and treated and referred to local community health clinics if necessary. Students under age 18 must complete the Minor Treatment Consent Form. The Health Center is staffed by a nurse, nurse practitioners and a part-time physician.
Free Services
- First Aid treatment for illnesses and injuries
- Over-the-counter medications (Advil, Tylenol, Anti- acids, Cough drops)
- Pregnancy testing
- Strep A testing
- Health counseling
- Condoms
- flu vaccine ( when available)
- Screenings ( blood pressure and blood sugar)
- Off-Campus referrals as needed
- TB Assessments
Low Cost Services
Transfer, Employment, Educational Programs (Medical Assisting/RadTech, ECE),
Blood Testing
Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Thyroid, HIV, STI's, Titers, and others
Tdap, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, HPV, Flu (when available)
Prescriptions, such as antibiotics
Birth Control
The pill, The shot (Depo-Provera)
Emergency Contraception
STD testing and treatment