In the News
Do You Need Money for College? The Cañada College Scholarship Application is Now Open
Tue, 21 January, 2014 at 12:27 pm in Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biology, Medical Assisting, Earth Science, Engineering, Featured, Chemical Laboratory Technology, Geography, Computer Information Science, Math The 2014-15 Cañada College Scholarship Application is now open. In order to apply for scholarships, students must have a college-issued "" email address and be enrolled within the San moreEarthquake Drill on Thursday, Oct. 18
Mon, 15 October, 2012 at 9:59 am in Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Earth Science, Featured, Social Sciences, Geography, Business Administration, CBOT, Computer Information Science, Economics, Athletics, Business Management Cañada College will participate in a statewide earthquake drill on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 10:18 am and again at 7:18 pm. Millions of Californians will “Drop, Cover and Hold On” as part of the moreCañada Student to Present at Biomedical Research Conference
Tue, 9 October, 2012 at 8:05 am in Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biology, Medical Assisting, Earth Science, Engineering, Featured, Chemical Laboratory Technology, Geography, Computer Information Science, Math Dominic Lopez-Toney, a 2010 Sequoia High School graduate and current Cañada student, has been chosen to present at the 2012 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students to be held moreSTEM Center Membership Day is a Success
Wed, 3 October, 2012 at 9:24 am in Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biology, Medical Assisting, Earth Science, Engineering, Chemical Laboratory Technology, Geography, Computer Information Science, Math The STEM Center Membership Day held on Sept. 12 was a great success, with hundreds of new students interested in studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics attending. The event was moreAmelito Enriquez to Attend "Lunch & Learn" Event in Washington, D.C.
Wed, 5 September, 2012 at 9:35 am in Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Earth Science, Engineering, Featured, Chemical Laboratory Technology, Geography, Computer Information Science, Math Cañada College Engineering & Mathematics Professor Amelito Enriquez will travel to Washington, D.C. on Sept. 26 to meet will Congressional staffers at a special "Lunch & Learn" event hosted moreRead more