The Undocumented Community Center (UCC) is a dedicated safe space for undocumented students, students from mixed status families, and allies. The UCC can assist with issues including AB540 admissions, DACA and the California Dream Act. The Center also provides information and resources on scholarships, clubs, immigration services, food pantry and community resources.
How Can We Help? | ¿Como podemos ayudar?
Computer and Free Printing Access
Study space w snacks
Assistance with Matriculation, including AB 540, DREAM Act, Scholarships & more
Free Legal Services
DACA Renewal Fee
Referrals to:
Campus and community services & other resources
Acesso a una computadora y imprimir gratis
Espacio para estudiar y botanas
Asistencia con matriculacion, incluso con AB 540, el DREAM Act, becas, y mas
Servicios Legales Gratuitios
Pago para renovar DACA
Referencias para:
Servicios en el colegio, la comunidad, y otros recursos
Undocumented Resources | Undocumented Resources (Spanish)
In Person: