Administrative Planning Council
The purpose of APC is to ensure effective operation of all things fiscal and operational for Cañada College. The primary responsibility of APC is to insure the creation, implementation, distribution and assessing of fiscal and operational services throughout the college. The participatory governance governing body, PBC, reviews and approves work of the APC before recommendations are taken to the President, Chancellor and Board of Trustees (if needed).
APC primarily achieves it’s purpose through: collaboration and communication with SSPC and IPC, overseeing the implementation of a comprehensive process for planning and assessing administrative services [instruction/student services] based on program review, effective integration of student learning outcomes into program activities and services, and alignment with the college’s mission and strategic goals.
Furthermore, APC develops, implements, and evaluates an Administrative Program Plan cycle (including staffing) and makes recommendations about policy.
APC Committee Members
Tammy Robinson (Vice President of Instruction)
Office of the Vice President, Instruction - Office of InstructionManuel Alejandro Pérez (President)
President's Office - President's OfficeKaren Engel (Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness)
President's Office - Planning, Research and Institutional EffectivenessMegan Rodriguez Antone (Director of Community Relations and Marketing)
President's Office - Marketing and Outreach
Alessandra Zanassi (Executive Assistant)
Office of the Vice President, Instruction - Office of Instruction
Mary Chries Concha Thia (College Business Officer)
Business|Operations Office - Business Office
Organization of Administrative Services
Administrative Services are organized into 6 "programs" for the purposes of Program Review and assessment of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). These programs are:
- Administrative Services
- Marketing and Outreach
- Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
- Vice President of Student Services
- Vice President of Instruction
- Professional Development
The Administrative Services Annual Plan/Program Reviews are studied by the Administrative Planning Council which brings relevant recommendations to the Planning and Budgeting Council.
The Administrative Planning Council meets 3 times per year: mid-spring, summer, and early fall. APC also agreed to have additional meetings when it is necessary.
Dates | Agendas | Minutes | Additional Materials |
9/20/2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
2/7/2019 | Agenda | Minutes | |
11/28/2018 | Agenda | Minutes | |
9/26/2018 | Agenda | Minutes |