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About the Rad Tech Program


The Radiologic Technology (Rad Tech) Program at Cañada College is a highly competitive hands-on learning experience designed to help students get a job in the medical field. Our students have achieved a 93.3% pass rate for the National American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) exam on their first attempt for the past 5 years. Our experienced faculty offer small class sizes and individualized supported to ensure student success.

The Radiologic Technology Program at Cañada College is accredited by:

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Dr, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300 |
JRCERT 2024 Accreditation Status Letter
Program Information on JRCERT Website

The program is also certified by the California Department of Public Health, Radiation Health Branch (CDPH-RHB)

Questions about our application process?

Contact Us

The Rad Tech Program is inviting you to Zoom meetings regarding program details and chance for Q&A!

CLICK HERE to Join the Information Meeting


Next Meeting 

Tuesday, December 9, 2025
  6:30 pm via Zoom
2nd Meeting Tuesday, January 27, 2026
  6:30 pm via Zoom

Apply Now    Important Dates

Student Success 

Program Effectiveness

The Rad Tech program has been graduating X-Ray technologists in San Mateo County since 1970. For complete program effectiveness data (credentialing examination pass rate, job placement, and program completion rate) please refer to our Rad Tech Program Effectiveness Data.


Program Outcome Assessment Plan

Mission Statement

The mission of the Radiologic Technology Program at Canada College is to provide a high-quality vocational education to members of our diverse community who seek a career in the Radiologic Technology profession.

The Radiologic Technology program enables students to develop the skills necessary for gainful employment through clinical training, fosters students’ academic success through lectures and laboratory exercises, and provides a professional labor pool to match the needs of our community.

What is a Radiologic Technologist?

Students who complete the program receive an Associate’s Degree in Radiologic Technology. A Radiologic Technologist or Radiographer is a health care professional who performs diagnostic imaging examinations with the use of x-rays. They work directly with patients and physicians. Radiographers are educated in patient care, radiation safety, radiation protection, image and film processing, anatomy, physiology, patient positioning and examination techniques.

Radiologic Technologists often specialize in a particular diagnostic imaging area, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MRI), mammography, bone densitometry, cardiovascular-interventional and general radiography.

Radiologic Technology Student Resources

The Rad Tech student handbook contains all of the necessary information new and current students will need such as policies, course/semester pathways, grading policies, attendance, and much more.

Radiologic Technology Student Handbook | 2024-2026  |    Course Info and Program Costs