In the News

Math Jam to Receive Exemplary Program Award

Fri, 3 January, 2014 at 12:16 pm in Featured, Future Students, Honors, Mathematics The highly successful Math Jam program at Cañada College will receive the Exemplary Program Award from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. The award will be more

Cañada Professor Earns Best Paper Award at Engineering Conference

Mon, 15 July, 2013 at 10:06 am in Astrology, Biology, Engineering, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics The presentation outlined a successful summer research internship at the school In 2011, Professor Enriquez (fourth from left) was honored  by President Obama for his mentoring activities. more

Cañada College Student Studies Labor Rights in UAE

Thu, 11 July, 2013 at 7:52 am in Future Students, History, Political Science, Studentexperiences Matet Malit, a Filipino immigrant, spent the past six months studying Filipino domestic workers   Matet (R) with Philippine Ambassador Grace Princesa Cañada College student Matet more

Cañada College Robotics Team Finishes Sixth at National Competition

Wed, 10 July, 2013 at 8:14 am in Engineering, Future Students, Mathematics, Studentexperiences The Colts entered the competition as underdogs, but performed well  Cañada team members prepare Roush for competition The Cañada Robotics Team traveled to Atlanta, Georgia in late more

Two Cañada Paralegal Students Earn Scholarships

Wed, 12 June, 2013 at 1:35 pm in Featured, Future Students, Paralegal, Studentexperiences Lorna Boales and Victoria Hughot received Scholarships from the San Mateo County Legal Secretaries Association Two Cañada College paralegal students have each earned the Eula Mae Jett more

A Five-Year Journey Ends at Commencement for Yesenia Haro

Thu, 6 June, 2013 at 9:21 am in Alumni, Featured, Future Students, Studentexperiences The Cañada College employee earns her Associate’s Degree in Human Services Yesenia Haro After five years of studying, one class a semester, Cañada College employee Yesenia Haro was more

Cañada Student Esmeralda Gutierrez Accepted Into Prestigious Accounting Development Program

Tue, 4 June, 2013 at 8:04 am in Accounting, Featured, Future Students, Studentexperiences The workshop is designed to strengthen students’ understanding of earning the CPA credential Esmeralda Gutierrez (R) with Professor Leonor Cabrera Cañada College student Esmeralda more

Carlmont High School Graduate Earns Marie A. Calderilla Scholarship

Wed, 29 May, 2013 at 8:23 am in Chemistry, English, Featured, Future Students, Studentexperiences Elizabeth Carranza aspires to be a chemist Elizabeth Carranza, a 2009 graduate of Carlmont High School and a current Cañada College student, has been awarded the Marie A. Calderilla more

Cañada Alum Esther Chan is Researching Sustainable Energy at UC San Diego

Fri, 10 May, 2013 at 12:47 pm in Alumni, Engineering, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics, Science, Studentexperiences The Former Woodside High School Graduate is Researching Material for a Stretchable Solar Cell Cañada College alum Esther Chan has received a grant from the California Institute for more

Andrea Ramirez Receives $10,000 Pister Scholarship to UC Santa Cruz

Tue, 7 May, 2013 at 11:43 am in Featured, Future Students, Studentexperiences Ramirez arrived at Cañada College unable to speak English and looking for a supportive environment to raise her young daughter and found a place where she could excel academically. Ramirez more

Cañada College Student Ernest Frimpong Chosen for Prestigious Internship

Wed, 17 April, 2013 at 1:48 pm in Biological Sciences, Featured, Future Students, Mathematics, Physical Sciences Frimpong will conduct research at SRI International in Menlo Park   Ernest Frimpong Cañada College student Ernest Frimpong has been chosen to participate in the prestigious Research more

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