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What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship program trains you to become skilled in a trade or profession. Apprenticeship training typically combines classroom learning with hands-on work. Community colleges, technical training schools, and even employers provide these job-related educational courses.


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The XR Apprenticeship at Cañada College 

The Cañada College XR Apprenticeship Program, funded by a California Apprenticeship Initiative (CAI) grant, trains, facilitates placement of, and supports eligible candidates in entry level positions with partner employers.  Some occupations in XR studios include Junior Developer, Game Designer, and Production Manager. 
Once placed in a position with an employer, the apprentice will work twenty hours per week as part of their On-the-Job Training (OJT) and receive Related Supplemental Instruction (RSI) through Cañada College.  Successful completion of the program is expected to take six to eighteen months, depending on studio production cycles and the individual schedules of apprentices. 
While further employment with a partner employer is not guaranteed, a graduating apprentice is certified by the State of California in their given occupation and well positioned in the industry with hours of real-world experience and technical training by industry experts. 
If you are interested in this unique opportunity; more information will be provided over the course of the summer programs. 


Apprenticeship Opportunity Pathway

In addition to passing the Unity AR/VR Program, students can enroll at Cañada College to complete the apprenticeship program!


Unity Timeline


Questions? Contact David Gainey


David Gainey (Project Director of Apprenticeships)

Business, Design and Workforce - Workforce Development