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February 22, 2025 - June 14, 2025

Saturdays from 9am-12pm (online program)

$99 Registration

About the Water Industry

Did you know 80% of the jobs in the global workforce are dependent upon having access to an adequate supply of water and water-related services, including sanitation? So many of us could not do our jobs without water. If you are looking to start a new career and be classified as an essential worker where the median annual salary is $60,000-$70,000 a year, then the water distribution program is for you.

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The Water Treatment and Distribution Program at Cañada College

The goal of the Cañada College's Water Treatment and Distribution System courses is to prepare students for the California Water Treatment (T2) and Distribution (D2) Operator Certification Exams. This not-for-credit online course, trains operators in the practical aspects of operating and maintaining water treatment and distribution systems, emphasizing safe practices and procedures. Successful completion of the course establishes eligibility to take the Water Distribution Grade 2 exam. After passing the exam, students will have the opportunity to apply for their certificate and license to become a California Grade 2 Water Treatment or Distribution Operator.





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Student Requirements

  • Students must be a resident of California
  • Students must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Students are required to have access to a computer with capabilities for Zoom sessions
  • Students must have a strong understanding of secondary level math and science concepts and at least a ninth grade reading level.


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